News on 2 December 2003

Fully integrated adapters for IBM 4247 Printers simplify Ethernet attachment The new IBM 4247 Ethernet Network Interface Card:
  • Is available for both ASCII and IPDS
  • Eliminates the need for external Ethernet adapters
  • Uses the same internal adapter card slot as other 4247 adapters
  • Improves serviceability of the Ethernet attachment as compared to the present externally attached adapters

Ethernet 10/100 BaseT Network Interface Card (NIC) now available for IBM 4247 Models 003 and V03

The IBM 4247 Model V03 is a professional industrial impact matrix printer capable of printing at speeds of up to 1100 characters per second (cps) in fast draft mode.

The IBM 4247 Model 003 is a heavy-duty industrial impact matrix printer capable of printing at speeds of up to 700 cps in fast draft mode.

An integrated Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC is now available for both models. By choosing the appropriate feature number, you can select ASCII or IPDS™.

Key features

  • These adapters:
    • Provide a fully integrated 10/100 BaseT Ethernet solution
    • Are easier to configure than previous 4247 Ethernet offerings
  • The IPDS adapter replaces the Ethernet I-Data RPQ (RPQ #8B4314), and can be used for either IPDS or ASCII.
  • With either adapter, the 4247 parallel port is available. (The present ASCII Ethernet adapter utilizes the parallel port so that it is not available.)
  • Hot interface and hot port switching:
    • ASCII Parallel and ASCII LAN hot interface switching is supported.
    • ASCII LAN TCP, LPR, Telnet, and FTP hot port switching is supported.
    • Hot port switching between the IPDS LAN port and ASCII LAN ports is not supported. Manual switching between IPDS and ASCII is required to switch between these ports
Key prerequisites

IBM 4247 Model 003 or V03 Printer

The IBM 4247 Ethernet 10/100 BaseT adapters provide a fully integrated Ethernet solution for the IBM 4247. Protocols supported by the Ethernet 10/100 BaseT adapters The following protocols are supported by the Ethernet 10/100 BaseT adapters (#4270, #4272, #4280, and #4282):

  • Ethernet II, SNAP, 802.2, 802.3 and following
  • SMTP
  • Direct Socket Printing
  • HTTP
Microsoft™ Windows™ print drivers Print drivers for Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP are shipped on the CD-ROM included with these features. Replacement, addition, and installation of attachment cards for installed printers The new Ethernet adapters can replace installed adapters on installed IBM 4247 Model 003 and V03 Printers.

The following table shows the allowable replacements and additions of attachment cards for installed IBM 4247-V03 and 4247-003 Printers, and the feature to order to replace or add an adapter. All of these replacements and additions are easily installed by customers, and do not require IBM Field Engineering for installation.

Installed                                               Feature
attachment                                              number
adapter(1)                   Replace with               to order
Any Attachment               Twinax SCS                 #4212
Any Attachment               Twinax IPDS                #4222
Any Attachment               Serial                     #4252
Any Attachment               Ethernet LAN               #4262
Any Attachment               Coax IPDS                  #4242
Any Attachment               Coax SCS                   #4232
Any Attachment               IPDS NIC                   #4282(2)
Any Attachment               ASCII NIC                  #4272(2)
"Any Attachment" is Twinax IPDS, Twinax SCS, Coax SCS, Coax IPDS, Serial, Ethernet LAN, ASCII NIC, or IPDS NIC, and includes "no attachment," which is the standard parallel adapter.
May require new 4247 Licensed Internal Code provided with these features. The latest code may also be downloaded from the vendor Web site (CPG International).
Bulk order for optional features For most products, the quantity of any feature that can be ordered is the same as the maximum number of the feature allowed per machine. Since the IBM 4247-003 and 4247-V03 features are now all customer setup (for 4247 Model 003 with Licensed Internal Code Level 6.05 or higher), in some cases it is desirable to bulk order certain features so that machines can be easily reconfigured by Business Partners and end users. Thus, for these MES features, the maximum order quantity is normally 10, which is greater than the maximum that can be installed on one printer.

The maximum number of initial-order attachment features that can be ordered is one. Use the MES feature numbers for bulk orders. Feature descriptions Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC (ASCII) — Initial Order (#4270)
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC (ASCII) — MES (#4272)

These features provide an integrated Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC with ASCII capability.

  • Maximum per 4247-V03 or 4247-003 Printer: One
  • Maximum order quantity: Ten
  • Minimum: None
  • Corequisites: None
  • Prerequisites: 4247 Model 003 or V03
  • Field upgrade: Yes, as #4272 customer installed
  • Customer setup: Yes for both features (4270 and 4272)
  • Limitations: Printer must have Base Code Level 2.00 or later for the 4247-V03, or Level 7.00 or later for the 4247-003. The required code is provided on the CD-ROM shipped with this feature. The latest code level can also be downloaded from the vendor Web site (CPG International).
This feature cannot be installed with:
  • Any I-Data RPQ (RPQ #8B4314 or 8B4313)
  • The LAN Attachment feature (#4260 or 4262)
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC (IPDS) — Initial Order (#4280)
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC (IPDS) — MES (#4282)

These features provide an integrated Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC with both IPDS and ASCII capability. This feature does not support hot port switching between the IPDS port and ASCII LAN ports.

  • Maximum per 4247-V03 or 4247-003 Printer: One
  • Maximum order quantity: Ten
  • Minimum: None
  • Corequisites: None
  • Prerequisites: 4247 Model 003 or V03
  • Field upgrade: Yes, as #4282 customer installed
  • Customer setup: Yes for both features (4280 and 4282)
  • Limitations: Printer must have Base Code Level 2.00 or later for the 4247-V03, or Level 7.00 or later for the 4247-003. The required code is provided on the CD-ROM shipped with this feature. The latest code level can also be downloaded from the vendor Web site (CPG International).
This feature cannot be installed with:
  • Any I-Data RPQ (RPQ #8B4314 or 8B4313)
  • The LAN Attachment feature (#4260 or 4262)
Current 4247 Network Print Server and IPDS LAN attachment capability These new Ethernet adapters provide a fully integrated Ethernet solution and normally will be the preferred Ethernet adapters.

Other LAN attachment capability is available via:

  • The Network Print Server features (#4121, #4124, #4164, #4165) provide network attachment via the parallel port for Token-Ring and Ethernet. The Network Print Servers plug into the printer parallel port. For Ethernet, the new Ethernet NIC features are installed in the 4247 expansion slot and the parallel port is still available. The Network Print Server and the above RPQs provide the capability for both LAN support and twinax, coax, or serial support on the same IBM 4247 Printer.
  • The I-Data 7913 (RPQ numbers 8B4313 and 8B4314) provides either Token-Ring or Ethernet LAN attachment for IPDS data for twinax and coax printers.

  • RPQ #8B4313 provides Token-Ring IPDS support. This RPQ is still required for IPDS Token-Ring. RPQ #8B4314 provides Ethernet IPDS support, and normally the Ethernet IPDS NIC, rather than this RPQ, will now be the preferred solution.

    Neither of these RPQs can be installed when the Ethernet NIC features are installed.

While a Network Print Server and one of the I-Data 7913 RPQs (either RPQ 8B4313 or 8B4314) can both be installed on the same 4247-V03, only one of either the Network Print Server or the I-Data 7913 RPQ network attachments can be active at any time. Manual network switching between the ASCII (Network Print Server) and IPDS (I-Data RPQ) is required to switch between the attachments.

While a Network Print Server and one of the Ethernet 10/100 NICs can be installed on the same 4247, only one of either the Network Print Server or the Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC attachments can be active at any time. Manual switching between the ASCII (Network Print Server) and the IPDS Ethernet 10/100 BaseT NIC is required to switch between the attachments. Loading network configuration settings The network configuration protocol and security settings can be set either from the Operator Panel or from a Web browser. Detailed information is contained in the 4247 Ethernet NIC Installation Guide (G544-5480).


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The publication below is shipped with the product. Additional copies are available immediately.

Title                                                  number
IBM 4247 Ethernet NIC Install Guide                    G544-5880
Terms and conditions

This product is available for purchase under the terms of the IBM Customer Agreement.

IBM hardware products are manufactured from new parts and used parts. In some cases, the hardware product may have been previously installed. Regardless, IBM's warranty terms apply.

Field-installable feature: Yes

Warranty period: Three months

Licensed internal code: Yes. Same license terms and conditions as designated machine.

The prices provided in this announcement are suggested retail prices for the U.S. only and are provided for your information only. Dealer prices may vary, and prices may also vary by country. Prices are subject to change without notice. For additional information and current prices, contact your local IBM representative. Product and maintenance charges

                                    Machine               Model
Description                         type                  number
Serial Matrix Printer               4247                  003
Serial Matrix Printer               4247                  V03
Optional features: The following features are available for the above models.
                                 Feature     Purchase     (IOR,
Description                      number      price        24x7)
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT            4270                 NC
 NIC (ASCII) -- Initial
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT            4272           499       NC
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT            4280         1,099       NC
 NIC (IPDS(TM)) -- Initial
Ethernet 10/100 BaseT            4282         1,099       NC
             MES          Plant
Feature      install      install      Customer        CE/SSR
number       only         only         installable     installed
4270         No           Yes          Yes             No
4272         Yes          No           Yes             No
4280         No           Yes          Yes             No
4282         Yes          No           Yes             No
IPDS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
