Lexmark Optra M410 Laser Printer

M410N 4K00252 (New)
Optra M410n
- 12 ppm
- Less than 17 seconds Time to First Page
- 74MHz Toshiba 3907A
- PostScript 3 emulation standard
- PCL 6 emulation standard
- PPDS Migration Tool
- Apple Macintosh System 7.5 or higher
- Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher
- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or higher
- Microsoft Windows 95 4.00.950 or higher
- Microsoft Windows 98
- Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.00 or higher
- MS-DOS or IBM DOS 5.0 or higher
- IBM OS/2 2.21 or higher
- Virtually any platform supporting TCP/IP
- IBM AS/400 System with TCP/IP
- IBM Application System/400 with Operating System/400 Version 3 Release 1 or later utilizing OS/400 Host Print Transform function. Other IBM emulators may support this printer. Refer to specific emulator product information for details.
- UNIX Systems:
- Digital UNIX 4.0
- HP-UX 10.x, 11.x
- IBM AIX 4.x
- Red Hat Linux 5.2, 6.0
- SCO OpenServer 5.x
- SCO UnixWare 2.1.x, 7
- SGI IRIX 6.x
- Sun Solaris x86 2.5, 2.6, 7
- Sun Solaris 2.5, 2.6, 7
- SuSE 6.1 Linux
- TurboLinux Workstation 3.6
* The Optra M410 with an optional Tri-Port Adapter, Ethernet (EtherTalk) or Token-Ring (TokenTalk) MarkNet N2000 Internal Print Server installed supports the Apple operating system. The software applications that operate with most Apple LaserWriter printers will generally operate with the Optra M410. The Macintosh 128, 512 and 512e computers are not supported.
Print Quality- 1200 Image Quality Print Enhancement
- 600 x 600 dpi
- 300 x 300 dpi with PQET
- 4MB, expandable to 132MB, standard and network model
- 3 memory slots available:
- 1 SIMM slot
- 2 DIMM slots
- (1 or 2 SDRAM, or 1 Flash, or 1 Flash + 1 SDRAM)
- DRAM Memory DIMM:
Flash Memory DIMM options:
- 5K00215 Optra Forms 2MB Flash Memory
5K00215 (New)
Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives
- Standard sheets, in/out: 250 + 100/250 + 20
- Maximum sheets, in/out: 250 + 100 + 500/250 + 20
- Standard sources, in/out: 2/2
- Maximum sources, in/out: 3/2
- Media sizes:
Paper sizes: Letter, Legal, Executive, A4, JIS B5, A5 (multipurpose feeder only), Universal (multipurpose feeder only, maximum size 8.5 x 14 in.)
Envelopes (multipurpose feeder only); 7-3/4 (Monarch), 9 envelope, COM 10, CL, C5, B5, Universal (maximum size 8.5 x 14 in.) - Media weight: 16-43 lb., up to 110 lb. index card stock (plain paper, envelopes, occasional labels, card stock, transparencies)
- 4K00139 500 sheet drawer for Optra M410
Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty
Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives
- Print Servers:
- Parallel 1284-C Adapter (p/n 43H5174)
- MarkVision Printer Management Utility (on CD-ROM)
- MarkVision for Intranets (on CD-ROM)
- NetPnP (on CD-ROM)
- Lexmark Software Installation and Distribution Tools (on CD-ROM)
- MarkVision for UNIX Networks and Intranet Servers (p/n 10MV080)
- MarkTrack (p/n 43C0500)
- Lexmark Optra Forms
- 12.4" H x 15.9" W x 17.1" D
- 314mm x 405mm x 435mm
- 32.6 lbs. (14.8kg)
- 48 dBA printing, less than 30 dBA idle
- Lexmark recommends the following (a cable is not included with the printer):
- 10-foot Parallel Cable (p/n 1329605)
- 20-foot Parallel Cable (p/n 1427498)
- 50-foot Serial Cable (p/n 1038693)
- USB Cable (p/n 12A2405)
- Optra M410 Charge Roll Kit (p/n 4K 00196)
- Optra M410 Transparencies (Letter, p/n 70X7240)
- Optra M410 Transparencies (A4, pn/12A5010)
- Maximum of 20,000 pages per month