IN 3483
IN 3483 |

IN3483 Large Screen Coax--The ONLY full replacement for IBM 3290 - Exclusively Display Four Full Host Sessions Simultaneously
IN3483/R - Remote SNA/BSC 3276 replacement - Combines single session display terminal with the EX74R Controller
IN3483/90 - Multisession Display Terminal - Displays four full host sessions - An excellent replacement for IBM 3290 & 3194
We offer a wide variety of 3270 Display Terminals - Perfect Replacements for:
DISPLAY SIZE | NO MONITOR | 15" | 17" | 19" | 21" | 15" LCD |
1. Can the multisession displays be attached to 3274's as well as 3174's?
Answer -yes. The 3274 must be at software release level 64.2 and support level D or later. If your 3274 is currently supporting any DFT device, for example the 3290, then the Insync multisession terminal will work.
2. My 3290 just died. Can I simply replace it with the Consolidator?
Answer - yes. Just attach it in place of your 3290. No adjustments or controller changes are necessary.
3. Can I display more than four sessions?
Answer -yes. You can display up to 5 host sessions plus an ASCII session if your controller has the Ascii support feature installed. With more than 4 sessions, the sessions are displayed in tiled windows rather than full quadrant sessions.
4. Can I replace a CUT mode terminal now using MLT with a Consolidator?
Answer -Yes. You will require no change in controller setup. Simply replace terminals. In addition to displaying multiple sessions, you will reduce the memory requirement in your controller since the session memory is contained in the terminal rather than the controller.
5. Will the printer port support non-IBM printers?
Answer - Yes. Almost any parallel printer will work including IBM printers.
6. I already have display monitors. Can I buy the terminal logic module and keyboard from Insync and install my monitor?
Answer -Yes. You can use a standard VGA monitor on all models except the 3290 replacement. That requires an SVGA monitor with a horizontal scan rate of at least 56Khz. Almost any relatively new multisync monitor will support that scan rate.
7. I have very tight space requirements. Can I buy terminals with small screens?
Answer -yes. We can provide screens as small as 9". For viewing 4 full sessions, we recommend nothing smaller than 17" but for the Dual session DFT terminal (DS model) or single session CUT model, smaller screens are quite readable.
8. Can I get on site maintenance service?
Answer -no. We can provide spares and support to your current maintenance provider and offer an optional overnight replacement service. If your site has 50 or more terminals, we will provide an onsite spare as part of the overnight replacement service.