IBM 6412 Shuttle Matrix Printer

Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty
The IBM 6412 is a member of the IBM 64XX series of mid-range, line matrix printers for the EBCDIC (SCS and IPDS) and ASCII marketplace. Ideal for a wide variety of business and office documents, these heavy-duty, continuous-form, line matrix printers print up to 1200 lines per minute (LPM) on multiple system environments, including IBM mainframe distributed computers, IBM mid-range computers, IBM RS/6000*, IBM PS/2*, IBM-compatible PCs, and local area networks (LANs) through the IBM 4033. These new models provide improved price and performance and are generally compatible with IPDS, SCS, and ASCII models of the IBM 4234 and other predecessor IBM printers. In addition, these models have significantly faster print speeds and print capacities than older printers. Available features, depending on the printer model, include IBM IPDS, Code V-Printronix emulation, and IGP-Printronix emulation. The IBM 6412 Model CTA is a 1200 LPM Line Matrix Printer. The standard interface structure supports coaxial, twinaxial, and ASCII Serial/Parallel system attachments and is operator panel selectable. The IBM 6412 Model CTA is generally compatible with IPDS, SCS, and ASCII models of the IBM 4234 and other predecessor IBM printers. Available features include IBM IPDS, Code V-Printronix emulation, and IGP-Printronix emulation.
Highlights |
- Improved price and performance.
- Print speeds of 1200/900/480 LPM in Draft/DP/NLQ print modes.
- 60,000 pages/month average duty cycle; no recommended maximum usage.
- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Operator Display.
- Flexible forms handling, including forms thickness adjustments.
- Enhanced Bar Code and graphics support.
- Complements existing IBM 6412 Models A00 and CT0.
- Supports IBM's Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS).
- Supports Code V - Printronix Emulation and IGP - Printronix Emulation.
- Provides IBM Coax, IBM Twinax, and ASCII Serial/Parallel interfaces with switching via the operator panel.
- Has Quiet operation - 55 dBA.
- Uses Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Operator Display in eight languages.
- Has flexible forms handling, including forms thickness and forms positioning adjustments.
- Supports Improved Bar Code and graphics by use of IPDS, Code V, or IGP.
- Prints up to 1200 LPM in Draft, 900 LPM in DP, and 480 LPM in NLQ mode.
- Attaches to a wide system environment including IBM mainframe distributed, IBM mid-range, IBM RS/6000, IBM PS/2, IBM-compatible PCs and LANs through the IBM 4033 LAN Connection
Description |
Support for Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS)
The addition of IPDS support broadens the usefulness of the IBM 6412 Model CTA beyond the current non-IPDS models A00 and CT0. It provides general compatibility with the older IBM 4234-007, 008, 011 and 012, and is both a viable replacement product or a growth product for users looking for compatibility, greater speed, throughput, and monthly print capacity.
GROWTH ENABLEMENT - Increased Capacity/Performance Improvement:
The 1200 LPM IBM 6412 Model CTA with the IPDS feature provides ability to print bar code and graphics applications much faster than the 800 LPM IBM 4234 Models 011 and 012. In cases of mixed text and graphics or bar code, the 6412 Model CTA provides even more significant throughput gains by printing in a single pass compared to the two passes required by the 4234.
INVESTMENT PROTECTION - Strategic Architectures - Industry Standards:
IPDS is recognized as a standard datastream. The IBM 6412's support of IPDS allows it to be either a replacement for existing IPDS-compatible printers, both IBM and non-IBM, or an addition to such printers.
Multiple Interfaces (IBM Coax, IBM Twinax, ASCII Serial/Parallel).
The IBM 6412 Model CTA contains all of the noted attachments in one model. If the Model CTA is attached to more than one of these attachments, it can be quickly switched from one to another via operator panel tasks.
BUSINESS SOLUTIONS - Integration of Business Solutions:
The IBM 6412 Model CTA's multiple interfaces could enable a customer to use this one high-speed printer as the system output device for more than one system type, eliminating the possible need for and cost of several, different printers.
GROWTH ENABLEMENT - Connectivity Improvement:
The IBM 6412 Model CTA provides all of the most commonly used interfaces in one box, thereby allowing a growing customer, who may go to another system with a different attachment to continue to use the same output printer. This includes users who intend to migrate to LANs.
The IBM 6412 Model CTA provides all of the most commonly used interfaces in one box, thereby allowing a growing customer, who may go to another system with a different attachment to continue to use the same output printer, saving the need to buy a new printer, or purchase an attachment conversion kit.
Improved Price/Performance
The IBM 6412 Model CTA offers significantly improved price/ performance because of:
- Lower purchase prices than comparable speed IBM band printers
- Faster print speed than predecessor IBM line matrix printers like the 4234 or 5225.
- Lower ownership costs, including lower cost ribbons
BUSINESS SOLUTIONS - Enable Customer's Competitive Advantage:
The IBM 6412's lower purchase price and lower operating costs, plus expanded bar code and graphics capability via IPDS, Code V - Printronix Emulation or IGP - Printronix Emulation allows the customer to save money and increase printing flexibility.
BUSINESS SOLUTIONS - Enabling New Applications:
The IBM 6412 Model CTA printer with IPDS, or Code V - Printronix Emulation, or Intelligent Graphics Processor (IGP) - Printronix Emulation provides a variety of options for support of bar code and graphics applications not available on any single predecessor IPDS or non-IPDS IBM printer.
GROWTH ENABLEMENT - Increased Capacity/Performance Improvement:
The IBM 6412 Model CTA provides a low-priced migration path from older, lower performance ASCII, SCS and IPDS printers such as the IBM 4234, 5224, 5225 and non-IBM line matrix equivalents. It also provides faster print speeds than any predecessor IBM line matrix printer. In addition, it will print in condensed print modes at an even faster rate than predecessors. It also offers a more flexible alternative to many older fully-formed-character band printers such as the IBM 3262, 5262, 4245 and their non-IBM equivalents.
Model Description 6412-CTAThe IBM 6412 Model CTA complements the existing IBM 6412 Models A00 and CT0, and offers greater print speed and monthly capacity than the IBM 6408 models. In most cases, it is a more flexible alternative to the A00 and CT0 models. In addition to IBM Coax and Twinax interfaces, it also offers ASCII Serial/Parallel attachment, all in the same box. The model CTA supports the IBM Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) as a feature in addition to Code V - Printronix Emulation and Intelligent Graphics Processor (IGP) - Printronix Emulation features.
Ideal for a wide variety of business and office documents, this mid- range, heavy-duty, continuous-form line matrix printer prints up to 1200 lines per minute (LPM) on multiple systems environments including IBM mainframe distributed, IBM mid-range, IBM RS/6000, IBM PS/2, IBM-compatible PCs, and local area networks (LANs) through the IBM 4033.
The IBM 6412 Model CTA also has significantly faster print speed, greater throughput, and higher print capacity than these older IBM printers. It is also generally compatible with IPDS, SCS, and ASCII models of the IBM 4234 and other predecessor IBM printers.
Also being offered is a Model CT0 to CTA upgrade via MES. Users will gain the ASCII Serial/Parallel attachments, plus allowing the option of adding the IPDS feature.
The following emulations are supported and selected via the operator panel.
---------- ------------ ----------------
Coaxial IBM 4234-001, IBM 4234-007,011
IBM 3287-001
Twinaxial IBM 4234-002, IBM 4234-008,012
IBM 5225-1,2,3,4
PC Parallel IBM Proprinter III XL Not Applicable
Dataproducts Parallel Epson FX Graphics
RS-232C Serial Printronix P Series
RS-422A Serial
Users may also select the optional graphic features supporting the
IPDS, Code V - Printronix emulation, or IGP - Printronix Emulation
graphic languages for applications requiring bar codes, labels and
forms background creation.
Model |
Model Attachment Non-IPDS Emulation IPDS EmulationNational Language Support
----- ---------- ------------------ -----------------
CTA Coaxial * IBM 4234-001 IBM 4234-007, 011
IBM 3287-001
Twinaxial IBM 4234-002 IBM 4234-008, 012
IBM 5225-1,2,3,4
PC Parallel IBM Proprinter III XL Not Applicable
Dataproducts Parallel Epson FX Graphics
RS-232C Serial Printronix P Series
RS-422A Serial
The Operator Guide, Setup Guide, operator panel overlay, and operator panel messages are supported in a variety of languages. See the "No Charge Specify Codes" section and the "Code Page/Languages/Character Set Support" section under "Software Requirements."
- Performance - nominal print speeds for various printing requirements are shown in the following chart. For additional information, refer to the 6408/6412 CTA Setup Guide (G246-0065), or the 6408/6412 CTA Programmers Reference Guide (G246-0073).
| CPI* | CPI |Upper Case | Descenders/ | Plot
|(Base)|(IPDS)| Only | Underlines | Mode
| 10 | 10 | | |
| 12 | 12 | | |
Fast Draft Mode | 13.3 | 13.3 | 1200 LPM | 1030 LPM | 150 IPM **
| 15 | 15 | | |
| 17.1 | 16.7 | | |
| | 18 | | |
| 10 | 10 | | |
| 12 | 12 | | |
Data Processing | 13.3 | 13.3 | 900 LPM | 720 LPM | 100 IPM **
(DP) Mode | 15 | 15 | | |
| 17.1 | 16.7 | | |
| | 18 | | |
| 10 | 10 | | |
| 12 | 12 | | |
Near Letter Quality| 12.9 | 13.3 | 480 LPM | 370 LPM | 50 IPM **
(NLQ) Mode | 15 | 15 | | |
| 16.4 | 16.7 | | |
| | 18 | | |
*For ASCII emulations, CPI may vary. Refer to the Programmer Reference
Manual (G246-0073).
**IPM = Inches Per Minute - Three interfaces supported:
- Coax
- Twinax
- ASCII - PC Parallel, Dataproducts Parallel, RS-232C and RS-422A.
- IBM 4033 LAN Connection for attachment to Token Ring or Ethernet** LANs using IBM AIX* Version 3, Microsoft or IBM OS/2* LAN Server, Microsoft** LAN Manager and Novell** NetWare**.
- Intel Netport for Token Ring and Ethernet using Novell NetWare.
ASCII Serial/Parallel Compatibility
The IBM Proprinter III XL Emulation is very similar to the protocol used by the IBM 4202-003 Proprinter, but contains more features. This protocol enables this line matrix printer to closely emulate a moving- head serial matrix printer. For specific emulation action refer to the IBM 6408/6412 CTA Programmer's Reference Manual (G246-0073).
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Coax (non-IPDS) (Page 1 of 2)
6412 6412 4234 3287
Model Model Model Model
Printer Function CTA CTA 001 001
------------------------ -------- -------- ------- ------
Emulation 4234-001 3287-001
Print Quality Selection:
Draft Yes Yes Yes No
Data Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes
NLQ Yes Yes Yes No
Page Size Control: Yes Yes Yes Yes
CPI Selection:
10 CPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
12 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
13.3 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
15 CPI Yes Yes Yes No
16.7 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
17.1 CPI Yes (2) Yes (2) No No
18 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
Proportional Spacing Yes (2,4) Yes (2,4) No No
Line Spacing:
3 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
Variable Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Compressed Fonts: No No Yes No
Word Processing:
Horizontal and Vertical Yes Yes Yes Yes
Underscore Yes Yes Yes Yes
Overstrike Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emphasized (Bold) Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Italics Yes (2,4) Yes (2,4) No No
Double Strike Yes Yes Yes Yes
Double Wide Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Super/Sub Script Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Font/Character Yes Yes Yes Yes
Host Loadable Fonts No No No No
APL Character Set No (5) No (5) Yes (5) Yes (5)
Program Symbol Sets No (5) No (5) No No
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Coax (non-IPDS) (Page 2 of 2)
6412 6412 4234 3287
Model Model Model Model
Printer Function CTA CTA 001 001
------------------------ -------- -------- ------- ------
Emulation 4234-001 3287-001
Bar Codes: Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Code V / IGP Yes Yes No No
OCR A and OCR B Yes (2,4) Yes (2,4) No No
Lines Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Full Arcs/Ellipse No No No No
Area Fill Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Line Types Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Markers Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Rotated Characters Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Large Characters Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Graphics Images Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Plot Yes (3,4) Yes (3,4) No No
Images Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Overlays Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
Retained Segments No No No No
Query Replies Yes Yes Yes Yes
Host Initiated Early Yes Yes No No
Print Complete (EPC)
Document Composition No No No No
Facility (DCF)
(Code Page 1002)
Special Escape Sequence Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
- (1) - Selection may be limited by application/operating system.
- (2) - Available through Operator Panel selection only.
- (3) - Available through Code V or IGP data stream control.
- (4) - Refer to Programmers Reference Manual (Hex Transparent Mode or control codes).
- (5) - Via Coax extensions
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Coax (IPDS) (Page 1 of 2)
6412 IBM 4234 IBM
Model 6412 Models 4234
CTA Model 007/011 Models1
(non- CTA (non- 007/011
Printer Function IPDS) (IPDS) IPDS) (IPDS)
------------------------ ------- ------- ------- -------
Emulation 4234-7/11 4234-7/11
Print Quality Selection:
Draft Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes
NLQ Yes Yes Yes Yes
Page Size Control: Yes Yes Yes Yes
CPI Selection:
10 CPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
12 CPI Yes (1) Yes Yes Yes
13.3 CPI Yes (1) Yes Yes Yes
15 CPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
16.7 CPI Yes (1) Yes Yes Yes
17.1 CPI Yes (4) No No No
18 CPI Yes (1) Yes Yes Yes
Proportional Spacing Yes (4,7) Yes (2) No Yes
Line Spacing:
3 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
Variable Yes (7) Yes No Yes
Compressed Fonts No No Yes Yes
Word Processing:
Horiz. Vert. Position Yes Yes Yes Yes
Underscore Yes Yes Yes Yes
Overstrike Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emphasized (Bold) Yes (7) Yes No Yes
Italics Yes (4,7) Yes No Yes
Double Strike Yes Yes Yes Yes
Double Wide Yes (7) Yes No Yes
Super/Sub Script Yes (7) Yes No Yes
Font/Character Yes Yes Yes Yes
Host Loadable Fonts No No No Yes (3)
APL Character Set No (8) Yes Yes Yes
Program Symbol Sets No (8) No No No
Bar Codes: Yes (5) Yes No Yes
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Coax (IPDS) (Page 2 of 2)
6412 IBM 4234 IBM
Model 6412 Models 4234
CTA Model 007/011 Models
(non CTA (non- 007/011
Printer Function IPDS) (IPDS) IPDS) (IPDS)
------------------------ ------- ------- ------- -------
Emulation 4234-7/11 4234-7/11
Code V / IGP Yes Yes (9) No No
OCR A and OCR B Yes (4,7) Yes No Yes
Lines Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Full Arcs/Ellipse No Yes No Yes
Area Fill Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Line Types Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Markers Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Rotated Characters Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Large Characters Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Graphics Images Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Plot Yes (5,7) No No No
Images Yes (5) Yes (6) No Yes (6)
Overlays Yes (5) Yes No Yes
Retained Segments No Yes No Yes
Query Replies Yes Yes Yes Yes
Host Initiated Early Yes Yes Yes Yes
Print Complete (EPC)
Document Composition No Yes No Yes
Facility (Code Page 1002)
Special Escape Sequences Yes (7) No No No
- (1) - Selection may be limited by application/operating system.
- (2) - Only character spacing maintained, no true proportional font.
- (3) - Available through Load Symbol Set (LSS) data stream control.
- (4) - Available through Operator Panel selection only.
- (5) - Available through Code V or IGP data stream control.
- (6) - Printed image may be larger than the application intended due to horizontal and/or vertical PEL resolution conversion.
- (7) - Refer to Programmers Reference Manual (Hex Transparent Mode or control codes).
- (8) - Extended Coax functions.
- (9) - Code V or IGP feature can co-reside with IPDS but cannot function simultaneously. Switching between IPDS and, either IGP or Code V, is done via the operator panel.
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Twinax (non-IPDS) (Page 1 of 2)
6412 6412 4234 5225
Model Model Model Models
Printer Function CTA CTA 002 1/2/3/4
----------------- ------ ------ ------ -------
Emulation 4234-002 5225-1-4
Print Quality Selection:
Draft Yes Yes Yes No
Data Processing Yes Yes Yes Yes
NLQ Yes Yes Yes No
Paper Size Control Yes Yes Yes Yes
CPI Selection:
10 CPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
12 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
13.3 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
15 CPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
16.7 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
17.1 CPI Yes (3) Yes (3) No No
18 CPI Yes (1) Yes (1) No No
Proportional Yes (3,5) Yes (3,5) No No
Line Spacing:
3 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
6 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 LPI Yes Yes Yes Yes
Variable Yes (5) Yes (5) Yes Yes
Compressed Fonts No No Yes No
Word Processing:
Horiz. Vert. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Underscore Yes Yes Yes Yes
Overstrike Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emphasized (Bold) Yes (5) Yes (5) No No
Italics Yes (5) Yes (5) No No
Double Strike Yes Yes Yes Yes
Double Wide Yes (5) Yes (5) No No
Super/Sub Script Yes (5) Yes (5) No No
Font/Character Yes Yes Yes No
Host Loadable Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2)
APL Characters No No No No
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Twinax (non-IPDS) (Page 2 of 2)
6412 6412 4234 5225
Model Model Model Models
Printer Function CTA CTA 002 1/2/3/4
----------------- ------ ------ ------ -------
Emulation 4234-002 5225-1-4
Bar Codes: Yes (2,4) Yes (2,4) Yes (2) Yes (2)
Code V / IGP Yes Yes No No
OCR A and OCR B Yes (3,5) Yes (3,5) No No
Lines Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Full Arcs/Ellipse No No No No
Area Fill Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Line Types Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Markers Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Rotated Character Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Large Characters Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Graphics Images Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
L.A.C. Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Plot Yes (4,5) Yes (4,5) No No
Images Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Overlays Yes (4) Yes (4) No No
Retained Segments No No No No
Special Escape Sequences Yes (5) Yes (5) No No
- (1) - Selection may be limited by application/operating system.
- (2) - Available through Load Alternate Character (LAC) data stream control.
- (3) - Available through Operator Panel selection only.
- (4) - Available through Code V / IGP data stream control.
- (5) - Refer to Programmers Reference Manual (Hex Transparent Mode or control codes).
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Twinax (IPDS) (Page 1 of 2)
6412 4234
Model Models
Printer Function CTA 008/012
----------------- ------ -------
Emulation 4234-8/12
Print Quality Selection:
Draft Yes Yes
Data Processing Yes Yes
NLQ Yes Yes
Page Size Control Yes Yes
CPI Selection:
10 CPI Yes Yes
12 CPI Yes Yes
13.3 CPI Yes Yes
15 CPI Yes Yes
16.7 CPI Yes Yes
18 CPI Yes Yes
Proportional Yes (1) Yes
Line Spacing:
3 LPI Yes Yes
4 LPI Yes Yes
6 LPI Yes Yes
8 LPI Yes Yes
Variable Yes Yes
Compressed Fonts No Yes
Word Processing:
Horiz. Vert. Yes Yes
Underscore Yes Yes
Overstrike Yes Yes
Emphasized (Bold) Yes Yes
Italics Yes Yes
Double Strike Yes Yes
Double Wide Yes Yes
Super/Sub Script Yes Yes
Font/Character Yes Yes
Host Loadable No br Yes (2)
APL Characters Yes Yes
6412 Model CTA Compatibility - Twinax (IPDS) (Page 2 of 2)
6412 4234
Model Models
CTA 008/012
Printer Function (IPDS) (IPDS)
----------------- ------ -------
Emulation 4234-8/12
Bar Codes: Yes Yes
Code V / IGP Yes (4) No
OCR A and OCR B Yes Yes
Graphics: (4)
Lines Yes Yes
Full Arcs/Ellipse Yes Yes
Area Fill Yes Yes
Line Types Yes Yes
Markers Yes Yes
Rotated Character Yes Yes
Large Characters Yes Yes
Graphics Images Yes Yes
L.A.C. Yes Yes
Images Yes (3) Yes (3)
Overlays Yes Yes
Retained Segments Yes Yes
Special Escape Sequences No No
- (1) - Only character spacing maintained, no true proportional font.
- (2) - Available through Load Symbol Set (LSS) data stream control.
- (3) - Printed image size may be larger than the application intended due to horizontal and/or vertical PEL resolution conversion.
- (4) - Code V or IGP feature can co-reside with IPDS but cannot function simultaneously. Switching between IPDS and, either IGP or Code V, is done via the operator panel.
Width: 86.4 cm (34.0 inches)Operating Environment
Depth: 72.4 cm (28.5 inches)
Height: 105.9 cm (41.7 inches)
Weight: 156 kg (345 lbs) Unpacked
Weight: 196 kg (431 lbs) Packaged for shipping
Operating 10 to 40 degrees C ( 50 to 104 degrees F)
Storage -40 to 70 degrees C (-40 to 158 degrees F)
Relative Humidity:
Operating 10 to 90 (percent) noncondensing
Storage 5 to 95 (percent) noncondensing
Electrical power:
Standby: 135 Watts
Operating: 610 Watts - Typical maximum (DP mode)
Operating: 2080 BTU/hour - Typical maximum (DP mode)
Maximum RMS Current: 12A @ 100 V; 6A @ 200 V
Noise Level: 55 dBA (tested per ISO 7779)
- Forms length maximum of 12 inches. Longer forms can be accommodated by opening the front and back doors.
- Maximum print line of 13.2 inches compared to a maximum of 13.6 inches for the 6408 models. This may be a limit for ASCII attachments emulating an IBM Proprinter III XL.
- Maximum forms width of 17 inches, including tear strips.
- Friction feed paper handling
- The ASCII SERIAL/PARALLEL attachment of the IBM 6412 Model CTA is subject to the following limitations:
- Use of high speed fonts (Draft mode) at 15 or 17 CPI for critical applications should be avoided without assuring readability of the application is satisfactory.
- COAXIAL attachment of the IBM 6412 Model CTA is subject to the following limitations; the following features are not supported:
- Dot matrix of 9 wide by 8 high
- Dot matrix of 4 or 7 wide by 8 high
- IBM 3287 Models 1C and 2C
- Programmed symbols 2 and 4 , 190 character downloadable fonts. For SCS/DSC/DSE mode only.
- Data analysis = APL feature
- Graphic escape
- TWINAXIAL attachment of the IBM 6412 Model CTA is subject to the following limitations; the following features are not supported:
- Print lines greater than 198 characters
- 6412 vs 4234 IPDS Comparisons - 4234 Emulation Differences
- The 4234 emulation will not support Load Symbol Sets (LSS).
- The 4234 emulation will use Courier for all Near Letter Quality (NLQ) mode printing, whereas 4234 NLQ mode was Gothic for 13.3, 16.7, and 18 CPI.
- The dot sizes are different. Also, the 6412 has a single dot size vs three with the 4234. For bar code applications, some combinations of unit module width, wide-to-narrow ratio, and element height may affect read rates.
- The 4234 emulation will report image and font resolution of 120 x 144 pel, compared to 144 x 144 in the 4234. This will cause images to change size in the vertical dimension.
- Proportional Space Mode (PSM) is not the same. See Compatibility charts.
- 6412 vs 4234 IPDS Comparisons - 6412 Deviations
- The 6412 will report Loaded Font command set (LF2) in the STM, but will not support Load Symbol Set (LSS).
- The 6412 will support Page Continuation Actions without highlighting.
- The 6412 cannot detect Human Readable Integers (HRI) outside of the Bar Code Presentation space under all circumstances.
The IBM 6412 attaches to systems, controllers, and processors as described below.
System/Software Requirements
Printer Control Unit/
Model Processor Attachment
--------- ----------------- --------------------------
Model CTA 3174 Controllers Coaxial ports (Release A3.0 or higher),
ES/9370, ES/9000 Workstation Subsystem
Processors Controller port (#6020 or #6120)
Model CTA AS/400 Twinaxial Workstation Controller
(Twinax) port on 9402, 9404, and 9406
S/36 Workstation Controller port on
5360, 5362, 5363 and 5364
5394 5494 Workstation port
Control Unit
Model CTA AS/400 ASCII Workstation Controller port on
(ASCII) 9402 (except Model Y10), 9404, and 9406
3174 Controller Asynchronous Emulation Adapter
ES/9370 ASCII Subsystem
Micro Channel 370 ASCII Serial or Parallel port
RS/6000 ASCII Serial or Parallel port
4033 LAN Connection ASCII Serial or Parallel port
PC, PS/2 ASCII Serial or Parallel port
IBM-compatible PCs ASCII Serial or Parallel port
System/370* and System/390* (MVS/VM/VSE Environments) Programming Support:
Existing non-graphics printing applications for the IBM 4234 Model 001 and IBM 3262 Models 3 and 13 will be supported on the IBM 6412 Model CTA when operating in non-IPDS mode.
In IPDS mode, the IBM 6412 Model CTA, emulating a 4234 Model 007 or 011, is supported by the following IBM software:
- Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM) Version 2.2 with APAR fixes: PL30674 + PL37451 for MVS, PL30675 + PL37452 for VSE, PL30676 + PL37458 for VM, PL30677 + PL37464 for VM/XA*, or GDDM Version 2.3 for MVS, VM/XA or VSE.
- VM/RSCS Version 2.3
- DisplayWrite*/370 Version 1.2.1. Requires GDDM Version 2.2 with APAR fixes or GDDM Version 2.3.
- PSF/VM Release 2.1
- PSF/MVS Release 2.1
- PSF/VSE Release 2.2
- PPFA/370 Release 1.0 with required PTFs
- PSAF/VM Release 1.0 with required PTFs
- PSAF/MVS Release 1.0 with required PTFs
- DCF Release 4.0
System/36 Programming Support:
IBM 4234 MODEL 008 and 012 EMULATION:
Support for the IBM 6412 Model CTA Printer, as it emulates a 4234 Model 008 or 012, is provided by Release 5.1 of the System/36 System Support Program and higher (SSP) -- 5727-SS1 (Release 5.1) and 5727-SS6 (Release 6.0). Minimum PTF levels for optimum performance on the system are DK3923 (Release 5.1) and DK1015 (Release 6.0). System/36 software support of the 4234 Model 008 and 012 printers includes:
- Operation Control Language (OCL) support of lines per inch (LPI), characters per inch (CPI), quality selection, and font selection.
- DisplayWrite/36 (5727-WP1, 5727-WP6) support of LPI, quality selection, font selection, bold printing, underscore, overstrike, and justification.
- Business Graphics Utilities/36 (5727-BG1, 5727-BG6). COBOL, and Assembler. Functions include selection of printer options (print quality, for example) and the printing of graphics.
- Advanced print functions and graphics support using the IPDS Advanced Functions PRPQ P84094 (5799-CGK) for 5360 and 5362, and PRPQ P84095 (5799-CGL) for 5363 and 5364. These PRPQs consist of subroutines that provide interfaces for use of IPDS functions for RPG, COBOL and Assembler. Functions include selection of printer options such as print quality, and the printing of graphics. Release 5.1 of the SSP and the IPDS Advanced Function PRPQ (P84094 or P84095) are required for support of 16.7 CPI.
IPDS Graphics/Text Merge PRPQs P84096 and P84097 are incorporated into SSP Release 5.1. The IBM System/36 Advanced Printer Function (APF) Licensed Program Product (5727-AP1, 5727-AP6) and the Automatic Identification Printing System PRPQ P90033 are not supported on the 6408 Model CTA printer.
Support for the IBM 6412 Model CTA Printer, as it emulates a 4234 Model 002, is provided by Release 5.1 of the System/36 System Support Program and higher (SSP) -- 5727-SS1 (Release 5.1) and 5727-SS6 (Release 6.0). Minimum PTF levels for optimum performance on the system are DK3923 (Release 5.1) and DK1015 (Release 6.0). System/36 software support of the 4234 Model 002 printer includes:
- Operation Control Language (OCL) support of lines per inch (LPI), characters per inch (CPI), quality selection, and font selection.
- DisplayWrite/36 (5727-WP1, 5727-WP6) support of LPI, quality selection, font selection, bold printing, underscore, overstrike, and justification.
Support for the IBM 6412 Model CTA Printer, as it emulates a 5225, is provided by Release 5.1 of the System/36 System Support Program and higher (SSP) -- 5727-SS1 (Release 5.1) and 5727-SS6 (Release 6.0). Minimum PTF levels for optimum performance on the system are DK3923 (Release 5.1) and DK1015 (Release 6.0). System/36 software support of the 5225 printers includes:
- Operation Control Language (OCL) support of lines per inch (LPI), characters per inch (CPI), quality selection, and font selection.
- DisplayWrite/36 (5727-WP1, 5727-WP6) support of LPI, quality selection, font selection, bold printing, underscore, overstrike, and justification.
- Business Graphics Utilities/36 (5727-BG1, 5727-BG6). COBOL, and Assembler. Functions include selection of printer options (print quality, for example) and the printing of graphics.
AS/400 Programming Support:
The Twinax attachment of the IBM 6412 Model CTA Printer is supported on the AS/400 Models 9402 (except Model Y10), 9404, and 9406 with Operating System OS/400* (5728-SS1) Release 1.0 or later and on AS/Entry (9402-Y10) with System Support Program (SSP) Release 6.0.
OS/400 support for the Model CTA includes:
- Most 4234 functions are supported by System/36 SSP and System/38 CPF. Many printer applications can be migrated from System/36 and System/38, with few if any modifications required.
- Operating Control Language (CL) support of lines per inch (LPI), characters per inch (CPI), print quality, and font selection.
- Data Description Specifications (DDS) support of LPI, font selection, bold printing, underscore, expanded characters, print quality, and code page selection.
- IPDS advanced print functions such as graphics, graphics/text merge and bar codes.
- OfficeVision/400* (5738-WP1).
- AS/400 Business Graphics Utility (5728-DS1).
- Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM).
The Automatic Identification Printing System PRPQ P90035 is not supported on the IBM 6412 Printer.
The ASCII attachment of the IBM 6412 Model CTA Printer is supported on the AS/400 (9402 except Model Y10) with OS/400 Release 3.0, on the AS/400 (9404) with Release 2.0 or later, and on the AS/400 (9406) with Release 2.0 or later. The IBM 6412 Model CTA is also supported in PC Support/400 Version 2, Release 3.
PS/2 and RS/6000 Programming Support:
The IBM 6412 Model CTA printer can use the IBM Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) in IBM Proprinter III XL emulation or can use Epson FX 1050 emulation when attached to Serial (RS-232C/RS-422A) interfaces, or the IBM PC ASCII (Centronics) Parallel interface. Depending on the host, P-Series emulation may also be available. For more information, refer to the 6408/6412 CTA Programmers Reference Manual (G246-0073).
The following systems support the IBM 6412 Model CTA printer:
-------- ------------------------ --------------------
IBM PS/2 OS/2 1.1* Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
OS/2 LAN Server 1.0 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
OS/2 Extended Services 1.0 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
OS/2 Communications Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Manager/2 1.0
DOS 3.3 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Microsoft** Windows** 3.0 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
IBM RISC AIX Version 3.1.5 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
IBM 6412 Model CTA Printer - IBM OS/2, IBM AIX, and Novell NetWare LAN Operating System Support via the IBM 4033 LAN Connection:
The IBM 6412 Model CTA printer may connect to the following via the attachment to the IBM 4033 LAN Connection:
Model Summary Matrix
-------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------
Token Ring (1) OS/2 LAN Server 1.2, 1.3 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Ethernet (2) OS/2 LAN Server 1.2, 1.3 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Token Ring (1) IBM AIX Version 3.1.5 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Ethernet (2) IBM AIX Version 3.1.5 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Token Ring (3) Novell NetWare 2.2, 3.11 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
Ethernet (4) Novell NetWare 2.2, 3.11 Proprinter III XL, Epson FX
(1) - The IBM 4033 Model 001 provides support for Token Ring 4/16 Mbps data rate.
(2) - The IBM 4033 Model 002 provides support for Ethernet 10BaseT 10 Mbps data rate. The IBM 4033 Model 003 provides support for Ethernet 10Base2 and 10Base5 10 Mbps data rate.
(3) - The IBM 4033 Model 011 provides support for Token Ring 4/16 Mbps data rate.
(4) - The IBM 4033 Model 012 provides support for Ethernet 10BaseT 10 Mbps data rate. The IBM 4033 Model 013 provides support for Ethernet 10Base2 and 10Base5 10 Mbps data rate.
For more information, please consult "IBM LAN Connection for Printers and Plotters Planning and Installation Guide" (SA40-0588).
Code Pages/Languages/Character Set Support:
The following charts show code pages, languages and character sets supported by the IBM 6412 Model CTA for its various attachments and emulations.
6412 Model CTA Twinax / Coax / IPDS Emulation Code Pages
(Page 1 of 2)
| IPDS | non-IPDS |
| |(7) |---------|--------------|
CODE | |4234|64XX|4234|64XX|4234|64XX|64XX|
---- |-------------------------|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|------
037 | Canadian Bilingual | X | | | | X | X | |
037 | English (USA / Canada) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
037 | English (Netherlands) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
037 | English (Portuguese) | X | | | | X | | | 1
256 | International Set 1 | | X | | X | | | X |
260 | Canadian French | | X | | X | | | X |
273 | Austrian German | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
274 | Belgian Old | X | X | X | X | X | | X |
275 | Brazilian | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
277 | Danish / Norwegian | X | X | X | X | X | | X |
278 | Finnish / Swedish | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
280 | Italian | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
281 | Japanese (English) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | 2
282 | Portuguese | | X | X | X | | X | X | 1
284 | Spanish/Spanish Speaking| X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
285 | English (U.K./ Ireland) | X | X | X | X | X | | X |
287 | Danish/Norwegian (Alt.) | X | | | | | | X |
288 | Finnish / Swedish (Alt.)| X | | | | | | X |
289 | Spanish (Alt.) | X | | | | | X | X |
290 | Japanese Katakana (2) | X | X | X | X | X | | X | 2
293 | APL (USA) | X | X | | | X | | X | 5
297 | French / French Azerty | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
310 | APL / TN | X | X | | | X | | X | 5
340 | OCR (Character A) | X | X | | | X | | X | 5,6
340 | OCR (Character B) | X | X | | | X | | X | 5,6
420 | Arabic | X | X | X | X | X | | X |
423 | Greek Old | X | | | X | X | | X |
424 | Hebrew | X | X | | X | X | | X |
500 | International Set 5 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
500 | Belgian New | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
500 | Swiss Bilingual | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
803 | Hebrew Old (089) | | X | | X | | | X |
6412 Model CTA Coax / Twinax / IPDS Emulation Code Page
(Page 2 of 2)
| IPDS | non-IPDS |
| |(7) |---------|--------------|
CODE | |4234|64XX|4234|64XX|4234|64XX|64XX|
---- |-------------------------|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|------
838 | Thai | X | X | | X | X | | X |
870 | Latin 2/ROECE/ | | | | | | | |
| Multilingual | X | X | | X | X | | X | 3
871 | Icelandic | X | X | | X | X | | X |
875 | Greek New | | X | | X | | | X |
880 | Cyrillic Old | X | X | | X | X | | X |
890 | Yugoslav Old | | X | | X | | | X |
892 | OCR-A | X | X | | X | | | X |
893 | OCR-B | X | X | | X | | | X |
905 | Turkish Old | X | | | | X | | X |
1002 | DCF (Release 2) | X | X | | | X | | | 5
1025 | Cyrillic - Multilingual | | X | | X | | | X | 4
1026 | Turkish | | X | | X | | | X |
1097 | Farsi | | X | | X | | | X |
- Portuguese: 4234 Model 8/12 = Code Page 282; Model 7/11 = Code Page 037.
- Japanese Katakana substituted by Japanese English in initial 4234. Otherwise 4234 is the same as 64XX Model CTA.
- Includes the following languages: Bjelorussian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian Latin, Slovak and Slovenian.
- Includes the following languages: Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian Cyrillic.
- Code page is selectable by the datastream only, not by the operator panel.
- 64XX will substitute Code Page 892 or 893 depending on whether the FGID indicates OCR-A or OCR-B. This is consistent with IBM 4028 or 423X printers.
- Available only with the Coax interface in the MVS and VSE environment.
6412 Model CTA ASCII Language Support (Page 1 of 3) -
Epson FX Emulation Character Sets
---- |-------------------------------|-----------
Epson Character Set
| IBM PC * | X
| PC Multilingual * | X
| OCR A | X
| OCR B | X
{Overlays 0 - 7F for Epson Character Set}
| French | X
| German | X
| English (UK) | X
| Swedish | X
| Italian | X
| Japanese | X
| French Canadian | X
| Norwegian | X
| Danish I | X
| Danish II | X
| Spanish I | X
| Spanish II | X
| Latin American I | X
| Latin American II | X
* NOTE: IBM PC is equivalent to Code Page 437.
PC Multilingual is equivalent to Code Page 850.
6412 Model CTA ASCII Language Support (Page 2 of 3) -
P Series Emulation Character Sets
| | | | DEC | |
---- |-------------------------|-----|--------|--------|---------|---|---
0 | ASCII (USA) * | X | X | X | X | | X
| OCR A | | | | | X |
| OCR B | | | | | | X
| Code Page 850 | X | | | | |
{0 - 7F Overlays}
| ECBDIC | | X | | |
| French | X | | X | X |
| German | X | | X | X |
| English (UK) | X | | X | X |
| Danish | X | | X | |
| Swedish | X | | X | X |
| Italian | X | | X | X |
| Spanish | X | | X | X |
| Japanese | X | | X | X |
| French Canadian | X | | | X |
| Latin American | X | | | |
| Norwegian | | | X | |
| Finnish | | | X | X |
| Dutch | | | X | X |
| Turkish | | | X | |
| Norwegian / Danish | | | | X |
| Swiss | | | | X |
| Danish II | X | | | |
| Spanish II | X | | | |
| Latin American II | X | | | |
{80 - FF Overlays for ECMA Latin I}
| Bar Code 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Multinational DP 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Multinational DP 12 CPI | | | X | |
| Multinational NLQ 10 CPI| | | X | |
| Greek DP 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Greek DP 12 CPI | | | X | |
| Greek NLQ 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Graphic DP 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Graphic NLQ 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Scientific DP 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Scientific DP 12 CPI | | | X | |
| Scientific NLQ 10 CPI | | | X | |
| Multinational | | | X | |
* NOTE: IBM PC ASCII (USA) is equivalent to Code Page 437
6412 Model CTA ASCII Language Support (Page 3 of 3) -
IBM Proprinter III XL Emulation Code Pages
---- |------------------------------|-----------|------------|-----------
437 | PC Character Set 1 | X | |
850 | PC Multilingual | X | |
851 | Greek Old | | X |
852 | Latin 2 / ROECE | | X |
853 | Latin 3 PC | | X |
855 | Cyrillic | | X |
857 | Turkish | | X |
860 | Portuguese | | X |
861 | Icelandic | | X |
862 | Hebrew | | X |
863 | Canadian French | | X |
864 | Arabic | | X |
865 | Danish / Norwegian | | X |
866 | Russian Cyrillic 996 | | X |
869 | Greek New | | X |
874 | Thai | | X |
876 | OCR A | | X |
877 | OCR B | | X |
1046 | Arabic Extended | | X |
1098 | Farsi PC | | X |
819 | 8859-1 ISO Latin 1 Multilingual | X
912 | 8859-2 ISO Latin 2 Multilingual | X
| 8859-3 ISO Latin 3 Multilingual | X
| 8859-4 ISO Latin 4 Multilingual | X
915 | 8859-5 ISO Cyrillic | X
1089 | 8859-6 ISO Arabic | X
813 | 8859-7 ISO Greek | X
916 | 8859-8 ISO Hebrew (Latin) | X
920 | 8859-9 ISO Latin 5 Turkey | X
921 | 8859-X ISO Baltic Multilingual | X
922 | 8859-X ISO Estonia | X
1006 | ISO Urdu (Pakistan) | X
1008 | ISO Arabic | X
The following publications are not shipped with the base printer. They may be ordered separately, or they are included with the purchase of the IGP, Code V or IPDS features. These publications are available now.
Title Order Number
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------
6408/6412 IPDS Programmers Reference Manual G246-0074
6408/6412 CTA IGP - Printronix Emulation
Programmers Reference Manual G246-0087
6408/6412 CTA Code V - Printronix Emulation
Programmers Reference Manual G246-0086
No Charge Specify CodesSpecial Feature Codes -- Chargeable
Description Machine Model Feature(s)
-------------------------- ------- ----- ----------
Line Matrix Printer 6412 CTA
IGP Feature 4840
Code V Feature 4850
IPDS Feature (Twinax only) 4860
IPDS Feature (Coax only) 4870
These two graphics features contain an optional graphics processor located within the printer that performs various graphic instructions based on a program language that is interleaved into the base application program. The graphics card is inactive, until activated by the user by way of command type control codes to indicate that program data with interleaved graphic data are in transit to the printer.
The data streams are divided into two groups:
- Group One - Normal SCS Data Stream which passes through the graphics card and no action is taken.
- Group Two - The graphics commands interleaved within Group One data. The graphic card interprets the data into graphic output and then reports both data streams to the printer for printing. The result is normal SCS data combined with bar codes, forms backgrounds and expanded characters in a final format.
The graphic non-IPDS data streams, IGP Printronix Emulation and Code V Printronix Emulation, while similar in output capabilities, use different graphical program languages to perform the desired graphic function. Users will be responsible for development of application programs, using the programming guides that are supplied with these features.
Key functions of the graphic features are:
- Forms Generation - Generation of forms background or label formats with normal text or bar codes.
- Bar Code Symbols - Several different Bar codes in various rotation formats.
- Lines and Boxes - Commands that simplify the creation of label and form backgrounds.
- Expanded Characters - Ability to print characters up to 99 times normal size.
- Logos - Users have the ability to create and store for later use.
- Compressed Print - Use of 13 and 17 cpi density not supported on the IBM 5225 or IBM 3287
Maximum: One per machine. May be alone, or in addition to either #4860 or #4870.
Customer Set-up: NO
Field Installation: YES
NOTE: The following description applies to both feature codes.
The IBM Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) allows print pages containing an unlimited mix of different types of data: high-quality text, images, vector graphics, and bar codes. You may send IPDS data to the 6412-CTA when attached to the IBM AS/400, intelligent work stations, IBM 3270-family controllers, LANs, and spooled systems. In some of these environments, you may create applications to directly control IPDS printers such as the 6412 with this feature. For more information about IPDS as a component of printing subsystems, refer to "Intelligent Printer Data Stream Reference", S544-3417.
Technical Description:
- CAPABILITIES OF IPDS. An IBM 6412 Model CTA controlled by either of these IPDS features has a number of advantages over conventional printers. With IPDS you can:
- Use the printer's all-points-addressable printing to print text, graphics, images, or bar codes at any point on a page.
- Print text in a variety of type styles and switch fonts within a printed page.
- Use both image and vector graphics to print line drawings, pie charts, bar charts, graphics, logos, tables, and signatures.
- Combine text with image and graphics on the same page, creating what is known as a 'composite document'.
- Electronically store and later print forms and letterheads that are always printed in the same predetermined type style.
- Electronically store and later print text where the type style printed is the same as that used in the rest of the text.
- Print any of 16 different kinds of bar code in many sizes and with a number of variations.
- Print either portrait or landscape mode.
- IPDS allows you to print a letter in one step. With conventional printing you must load letterhead paper into the printer, print the text of the letter and then manually sign the letter. With IPDS, the letterhead and signature may be temporarily stored in the printer memory, and then merged with the letter text to form the complete letter. Graphics such as line or bar charts, may also be used in the letter, creating a composite document.
- OVERLAYS - are stored constructs (text, graphics, images and bar codes), often in complex configurations, with all the instructions needed to print. An overlay always prints in the type style used when it is stored, and can be positioned anywhere on the page. Overlays are useful for letterheads, forms, etc.
- PAGE SEGMENTS - are similar to overlays except the construct is stored without specific instructions for type styles and position on the page. Page segments are printed in the type style in use at print time. You may place a page segment anywhere on the page.
- IMAGES - are figures on the page created by explicitly specifying each dot in the figure. There is one bit of image data per dot, so a large quantity of data is needed to create an image. IM images are uncompreseed raster data images. A raster pattern is composed of a series of dots arranged in scan lines.
- GRAPHICS - are line drawings created from separate lines, arcs, and markers. With vector graphics, only control information such as the end points of a line are sent to the printer. This process allows the creation of complex figures with a minimum of data.
- BAR CODE - is encoded information that is recognized by optical scanning devices. The printer can print the following bar code types in many sizes and with other variations, such as with or without human- readable characters.
- 3 of 9 Alphanumeric (also called Code 39)
- USS Codabar
- EAN-8
- EAN-13
- EAN-13 with 2-and 5-digit supplementals
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- Industrial 2 of 5
- Matrix 2 of 5
- UPC Version A
- UPC Version A with 2-and 5-digit supplementals
- UPC Version E
- UPC Version E with 2-and 5-digit supplementals
- Code 128
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4840, 4850, 4860, 4870, 4956, 4957, 4969, 4970, 4971, 4972, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4850, 4860, 4870, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4969, 4970, 4971, 4972, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4840, 4860, 4870, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4969, 4970, 4971, 4972, 4976. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4840, 4850, 4870, 4956, 4964, 4969, 4970, 4971, 4972, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4850, 4870, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4970, 4971, 4972, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4840, 4870, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4965, 4971, 4972, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4840, 4850, 4860, 4957, 4964, 4969, 4970 4971, 4972, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4850, 4860, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4969, 4970, 4972, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Provides capability to print the euro common currency symbol. Maximum: One per machine. Prerequisites: None. Compatibility Conflicts: Cannot be installed with feature codes: 4840, 4860, 4956, 4957, 4964, 4969, 4970, 4971, 4976, 4977. Customer Setup: No. Field Installation: YES.
Ribbons.Customer-replaceable ribbon:
- P/N 1040995 General Purpose Ribbon;
- Average yield of 30 million DP characters
- P/N 1040998 High Contrast Ribbon;
- Average yield of 30 million DP characters
- Average yield of 3600 AIAG-B3 labels with visible light source scanning equipment and
- Average yield of 1800 AIAG-B3 labels with infrared light source scanning equipment.
Ribbon life is derived from IBM conducted tests in compliance with ANSI Standard X3A.182. Ribbon life experienced by the user may vary significantly depending on the user's own quality criteria and on factors such as printer condition, machine settings and paper quality and bar code requirements. Label yield is dependent upon label format, bar code symbology, and other parameters. Label yield with high performance scanning equipment may exceed these yields.
Note: These ribbons are different than the ones available for the IBM 6408 Models A00, CT0 and CTA. The difference is that yields for the 6412 ribbons are higher than the 6408 ribbons. Also, the 6408 and 6412 ribbons are not interchangeable.
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