IBM 6408 Shuttle Matrix Printer

Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty
6408-A00 Parallel Serial
Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty
6408-CT0 Coax Twinax
Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty
6408-CTA Coax Twinax Parallel Serial
The IBM 6408 model A00 offers a speed of 800 LPM, supports PC Parallel, Dataproducts parallel, and RS-232C Serial attachments, and emulates the IBM Proprinter* III XL and Epson FX Graphics. It supports multiple system environments including IBM mainframe distributed computers, IBM mid-range computers, IBM RS/6000*, PS/2*, IBM-compatible PCs, and Local Area Networks (LANs) through the IBM 4033. Available features include Code V-Printronix emulation, and IGP-Printronix emulation.
Model Abstract 6408-CT0
The IBM 6408 model CT0 offers a speed of 800 LPM, supports twinaxial and coaxial system attachments, and emulates the 4234-001 or 3287 and the 4234-002 or 5225-1,2,3,4. It supports multiple system environments including IBM mainframe distributed computers and IBM mid-range computers. The Model CT0 is generally compatible with SCS (non-IPDS) models of the IBM 4234 and other predecessor IBM printers. Available features include Code V-Printronix emulation, and IGP-Printronix emulation.
The IBM 6408 Model CTA is a 800 LPM Line Matrix Printer. The standard interface structure supports coaxial, twinaxial, and ASCII Serial/Parallel system attachments and is operator panel selectable. This Model supports multiple system environments including IBM mainframe distributed computers, IBM mid-range computers, IBM RS/6000*, PS/2*, IBM-compatible PCs, and Local Area Networks (LANs) through the IBM 4033. The IBM 6408 Model CTA is generally compatible with IPDS, SCS, and ASCII models of the IBM 4234 and other predecessor IBM
printers. Available features include IBM IPDS, Code V-Printronix emulation, and IGP-Printronix emulation.
- Improved price/performance.
- Prints at 800/600/320 LPM in Draft/DP/NLQ print modes.
- Has quiet operation - 52 dBA.
- 30,000 pages/month average duty cycle; no recommended maximum usage.
- Has Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) operator display.
- Features flexible forms handling, including forms thickness adjustments
- Enhanced Bar Code and graphics support.
Model Summary Matrix
Models Attachments Non-IPDS Emulation IPDS Emulation
------ --------------------- -------------------- --------------
A00 PC Parallel Proprinter III XL Not Applicable
Dataproducts Parallel Epson FX Graphics
RS-232C Serial
CT0 Coaxial IBM 4234-001, Not Applicable
IBM 3287
Twinaxial IBM 4234-002, Not Applicable
IBM 5225-1,2,3,4
CTA Coaxial * IBM 4234-001, IBM 4234-007, 011
IBM 3287-001
Twinaxial IBM 4234-002, IBM 4234-008, 012
IBM 5225-1,2,3,4
PC Parallel IBM Proprinter III XL Not Applicable
Dataproducts Parallel Epson FX Graphics
RS-232C Serial Printronix P Series
RS-422A Serial
Model Conversions
Model CT0 to Model CTA via MES
Model CT0 to Model A00 via RPQ S02255
(R), (TM), * Trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or service mark of others.
IBM Corporation 2003.