IBM 3161 Terminal

3161-110 IBM ASCII Display Station Model 110
The IBM 3161 ACSII Display Station is a stand-alone, high-quality, 12-inch, 80 column, monochrome display station used for displaying up to 1,920 characters and for entering data into and retrieving data from a host processor. The 3161 provides an asynchronous communication interface with a 7-bit or 8-bit word length, using RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface and RS-422-A (CCITT V.11) interface. It communicates with the 128 7-bit ASCII/ISO character set or 256 8-bit ASCII/ISO character set depending on machine mode and languages. A cable-connected keyboard is provided for operator data input. The 3161 uses the ASCII (ISO) communication protocols and provides a native mode, 3101 mode and various non-IBM emulation modes which allows the 3161 to attach to a variety of host processors including Series/1 and non-IBM mini-computers. The 3161 meets both general industry and unique customer information requirements. The third digit in the model number indicates the language; see the Model Summary Matrix section for specific model numbers.
Model Abstract 3161-110
The IBM 3161 Model 110 ASCII Display Station provides EIA RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/V.28) interface and Green phosphors CRT.
- Green or amber-gold phosphor CRT
- 3101 Model 23 (or Model 881) emulation
- Five non-IBM emulations included in (US English) base model
- Split screen capability (3 horizontal viewports)
- Auto skip
- CRT saver with programmable timer
- Hold (temporarily stop receiving data from the host)
- Block or underlined cursor with blinking option
- Character attributes (for blink, nondisplay, underline, reverse, high intensity) or field attributes for normal, blink, nondisplay, underline, reverse, high intensity, protected, numeric and modified data tag
- Function keys redefinable from the terminal, as well as from the host (12 keys with two shifts each)
- Three PA (Program Access) keys
- A cartridge for National Language support or for additional attachment capabilities
The 3161 displays up to 1,920 characters, 24 rows of 80 characters each. An alphameric character is represented in an 8x16 contiguous box matrix. The data displayed uses the 128 characters of ASCII/ISO codes and an additional character set containing 24 line drawing graphics, 10 superscript characters and 10 subscript characters. A line drawing character is represented in a maximum 8 x 16 dot matrix to create a contiguous line. The character transmission mode provides the capability to transmit a character over a communication line upon depression of each key. The block transmission mode, selectable at setup time, allows buffered transmission mode of data. The 3161 consists of the three Workstation Elements (Video, Logic, and Keyboard) and Cartridge.
The use of ASCII (ISO) codes and the asynchronous communication interface allows the 3161 to attach to a variety of host processors. Various communication options are selectable by the customer on the setup menu such as line speed (50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600 and 19,200 bps), parity (none, odd, even, mark, space), interface (EIA RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/V.28), EIA RS-422-A (CCITT V.11)), word length (7, 8-bit), operation mode (echo, character, block mode), turn-around character (ETX, EOT, CR, DC3), line control (CRTS, PRTS, IPRTS), stop bit (1, 2), response delay (0, 100ms) and break signal (170, 500ms). The 3161 provides XON/XOFF Control.
Operator Factors
The 3161 has an etched screen, which minimizes glare and fingerprints. Indicators are displayed on the bottom (25th row) of the screen, and provide useful operator information. An audible alarm is provided to alert the operator, and its volume is adjustable by the operator. The video element can be tilted and swiveled by the pedestal to set the screen angle for the operator. The cable-connected keyboard can be moved and its slope is selectable.
Input Editing Capability
Cursor move (up, down, right, left, and home), tab (forward, backward, set and clear), erase (end of line, end of page and entire page), clear (entire page and entire buffer), insert (character and line) and delete (character and line) are provided. Tab erase, insert and delete may be manipulated by field attribute. All characters can be rendered by character or field attributes. A 12-key numeric keypad and 12 Function (F) keys are provided on the keyboard.
Emulation Modes in Features
Additional Read Command (#8001) provides the 3161 US English native mode with complete read command options that 3101 has supported in block mode.
Enhanced 3708 Attachment (#8371) provides the 3161 US English models, attached to a 3708 or 3710 protocol converter, with the enhanced useability on reset key, send/return key, F13 to F24 keys, host and local prints and 25th line access.
Extended Emulation (#8501) provides the enhanced functions such as 24 Definable Function Keys (set by both host and keyboard), 3 PA keys, Local Print Key, 25th Line On/Off Key, Return Setup to Factory Default, Pacing in main port, and Mono/Dual option, in 3101, or five non-IBM emulation modes above.
Five TeleVideo's Emulation (#8901) provides the functions to emulate TeleVideo Models 910PLUS/912/920/925/925E. In addition, it provides the extended functions such as 32 Definable Function Keys (set by both host and keyboard), 3 PA Key, 25th Line On/Off Selection, and Mono/Dual case option.
There are some operational differences such as keyboard layout and how to set up the machine.
Communication Interfaces
The 3161 communicates with a variety of host processors.
When using the EIA RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface, the 3161 can directly attach to a host processor within 12.2m (40.0 ft) at 50 - 19,200 bps, or can communicate point-to-point to a remote host processor through an external modem.
5841, 5842 and PTT mandatory modems complying with CCITT Recommendation (1979( V.24, V.28, ISO Standard 2110 and either CCITT Recommendations V.21, V.22, V.22 bis or V.23 may be attached. Other non-IBM modems may be attached subject to the Multiple Supplier Systems Bulletin. A modem cable is required for the attachment to a modem. As an alternative to a modem attachment, the 3161 may be directly connected to a ROLM CBX at speeds up to 19.2K bps through one of the following devices with RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface: ROLMphone Datacom Module (DCM), Data Terminal Interface (DTI), rack-mounted version of the DCM or DTI.
The types and speeds of currently available modems with which the 3161 operates include:
- On nonswitched facilities
Full-duplex and half-duplex modes at transmission speeds of 50 to 300, 600, 1200/600, 1800 (half-duplex), and 2400 (full-duplex only) bps. See Facility codes D1M, M1M and M2M in 2700 pages.
- On switched facilities
Full-duplex and half-duplex modes (and Full-duplex mode in EMEA) at transmission speeds of 50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 200, 300, 600 and 1200/600 bps, and at 1800 bps in half-duplex mode and at 2400 bps in full-duplex mode. See Facility codes CF1, CF1M, C1M and C2M, C1, P1 and P2, C1, C1M and C2M in 2700 pages.
The 3161 may be attached to packet switched networks through the PAD complying with the CCITT recommendation X.28 via DCEs with CCITT X.20 bis interface.
Auxiliary Port
An auxiliary interface is provided for attachment of an input or output device with EIA RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/V.28). The 4201 Proprinter may be attached at the Auxiliary port.
The customer is responsible for preparation of cables. Many IBM systems provide unique cables for 3161 attachment and those systems should be referenced for detail information. A 3m (10 ft) modem cable is provided as an IBM accessory for use in attaching the 3161 to to certain devices (specifically modems). A 1.5m (5 ft) (or 1.2m (4 ft) in EMEA) I/O cable is provided as an IBM accessory for attaching the 4201 or 4201 Proprinter.
The 3161 has an auxiliary port that can connect an ASCII printer over an RS-232-C direct connection. A print key allows local printing of the screen, while the software commands allow remote printing from a host. For example, the 4201/4202 Proprinter may attach via its serial (RS-232-C) interface to the 3161 for direct printing of text-oriented screens (or graphics and text via host programming).
IBM 3101 Compatibility and Migration
The 3161, when operating in 3101 emulation mode, will accept and generate the 3101 model 881 data streams. There are two methods of placing the 3161 into the 3101 emulation mode. The operator may select the 3101 mode during menu setup, or a suitably programmed host may send a "3101 mode" command to 3161. There are some operational differences in terms of the screen management facilities. The 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Description documents these differences.
Security Facilities
A special nondisplayed input mode provides for fields of data to be program-defined so that they will accept data entered from the keyboard without displaying the data on the screen.
Model Description 3161-110
The IBM 3161 Model 11x ASCII Display Station provides EIA RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/V.28) interface and Green phosphors CRT.
Data Stream in Nonemulation Mode:
The 3161 models generate an ISO 646 (ANSI X3.4) data stream.
3101 Compatibility and Migration:
When operating in 3101 emulation mode, the 3161 will accept and generate the 3101 Model 23 and Model 881 (in the US only) data stream. There are some operational differences in terms of the screen-management facilities. "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Description Manual" (GA18-2310) documents these differences.
Emulation Modes in Models:
Five non-IBM emulation modes of the 3161 (US English) models provides emulation of five (US English) non-IBM ASCII terminals (ADM-3A and ADM 5 pf Zentec Inc., Viewpoint of Applied Digital Data Systems Inc., Hazeltine-1500 of Hazeltine Corp., and Model 910 of TeleVideo Systems Inc).
Model Summary Matrix
Model RS CCITT Color
----- ---------- ------------- ----------
110 232-C V.24/V.28 Green
Customer Setup (CSU)
The 3161 is designated as a customer setup machine. Setup instructions are shipped with each machine, as the "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Setup Instructions" (GA18-2312).
Upon request from the customer, the 3161 is available with a 90-day warranty. The special model numbers correspond to the standard 3-year warranted models are as follows:
3-Year Warranty Corresponding 90-Day
Model Warranty Model
------------- --------------
3161-11x 3161-16x
Customer Responsibilities
The customer is responsible for:
- Adequate site, system, cables and other vendor preparation.
- Receipt at customer's receiving dock, unpacking and placement of unit.
- Physical setup, connection of cables in customer access area, program setting of setup options.
- Determination of the required number of spares.
- Performing Problem Analysis and Resolution using "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Operator Reference and Problem Solving Guide".
- Call an IBM Service/Exchange Communication Center (S/ECC) on a toll-free number for service.
Devices Supported
System Support and Programming Support
The 3161 support is provided by the current version of the following systems and licensed programs. Contact each system for availability and details of system support.
Systems/ 3161Licensed Support Native 3101Program- System Mode Mode------------ ----------- ---- ----Series/1(*1)with- EDX X X- TPS X X- CF - X- StoreApplicationEnvironment X -
System/88 with
5170 with XENIX X X
9370 with
9370 with tele-
controller and
4361 ICA with
8100 with DPCX,DPPX X X
(*3) (*3)
3708 S/370,30XX,
43XX, 9370
with MVS/SP,
S/36/38 with
3274 remote
support X X
8100 with
4700 via
4701/4702 X X
7171 30XX,43XX,
9370 with
6150 with AIX X
ASCII subsystem X X
controller and
3174 S/370,30XX (*4),
asynchronous 43XX,9370 with
emulation MVS/SP,MVS/XA,
adapter VSE/SP,VM/SP,
feature VM/SP HPO X X
372X with
NTO S/370,30XX,
43XX, 9370
with MVS/SP,
(*3) (*3)
IX/370 ASCII S/370,30XX,
Control 43XX, 9370
Feature on with IX/370 - X
on Series/1
HYAC on 4994 S/370,30XX,
or on 43XX, 9370
Series/1 with MVS/SP,
7426 S/370,30XX,
43XX,8100 - X
Controller X -
ROLMbridge System 36/38
AS/400 X -
5208 System 36/38AS/400 X -
X = Supports the 3161 US English models.
*1 = Series/1 with Multifunction attachment feature (#1310), with Feature-programmable 4-line Adapter feature (#2096), or with Asynchronous Terminal 8-Line Adapter (RPQ DO2350).
*3 = CPT-TWX 33/35 (TTC2) protocol only.
*4 = The channel attachment model of the 3174 is supported by 308X and 3090 only.
System Attachment
Series/1, System/88, 9370, and non-IBM mini computers attach the 3161 with RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface, or RS-422-A (CCITT V.11) interface interface both in 50 to 19.2K bps line speed, and via a modem with RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface. IBM S/370 Processors attach the 3161, via 270X, 370X, or 3725/6 with RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface in 50 to 1200 bps line speed, via 370X/8100, 3725/8100 or 3726/8100 with RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface in 50 to 9600 bps without Modem and in the modem speeds (but not exceeding 9600 bps) with modem, via a protocol converter with RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface in 50 to 19.2K bps line speed. The S/36, S/38, and AS/400 attach to the 3161 with EIA-232 (CCITT V.24/28) interface or EIA-422-A (CCITT V.11) interface. The S/36, S/38, and AS/400 attachment via the 5208 ASCII-5250 Link Protocol Converter or ROLMbridge 5250 Link Protocol Converter provides up to a 19.2K bps line speed. The AS/400 ASCII Workstation Controller also provides the 3161 up to a 19.K bps line speed. The 3161 can be attached to the 6150/6151 via the 4-port Asynchronous 232-C Adapter or 4-port Asynchronous 422-A Adapter, and operate in native mode. The 3161 may be attached to a 4361 Processor via the 4361 feature "EIA/CCITT interface" (#3701) with the 4361 feature "Line Attachment Base for Nonclocked Modems" (#4696). It may operate at speeds up to 2400 bps, in 3101 mode and 3161 native mode. The attachment must be via the EIA RS-232-C (CCITT V.24/28) interface, either via asynchronous modem with switched or non-switched telephone line, or via direct attachment at distance 50 to 12m (40 ft). For direct connection to the 8100 system, a modem cable must be used with extension to the 8100 direct connect cable not exceeding 9.1m (30.0 ft). The total maximum cable length from the 8100 system to the 3161 may not exceed 12.2m (40.0 ft).
Technical Description
Physical Specifications
Logic element
Width: 345mm (13.6 in.)
Depth: 315mm (12.4 in.)
Height: 70mm (2.8 in.)
Weight: 2.2kg (4.9 lbs.)
Video element
Width: 310mm (12.2 in.)
Depth: 307mm (12.1 in.)
Height: 330mm (13.0 in.)
Weight: 8.2kg (18.1 lbs.)
Keyboard element
Width: 492mm (19.4 in.)
Depth: 210mm (8.3 in.)
Height: 40mm (1.6 in.)
Weight: 2.5kg (5.5 lbs.)
Width: 70mm (2.8 in.)
Depth: 112mm (4.4 in.)
Height: 22mm (0.9 in.)
Weight: 0.2kg (0.4 lbs.)
Electrical Characteristics
- Low-voltage machine: 100 - 127V; 0.18k VA; 50/60 Hz; 205 BTU/hr; 1-phase
Operating Environment
- Temperature: 10 to 40.6C
- Relative Humidity: 8 to 80 percent
- Wet Bulb: 26.7 degrees Maximum
- Temperature: 10 - 51.7C
- Relative Humidity: 8 to 80 percent
- Wet Bulb: 26.7 degrees Maximum
- Temperature: 0.6 to 60C
- Relative Humidity: 5 to 80 percent
- Wet Bulb: 29.4 degrees Maximum
- Temperature: -20 to 60C
- Relative Humidity: 5 to 100 percent
- Wet Bulb: 29.4 degrees Maximum
Hardware Requirements
Not available.
Software Requirements
Not available.
Electronic Customer Support
- "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Description" (GA18-2310)
- "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Operator Reference and Problem Solving Guide" (GA18-2311)
- "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Setup Instructions" (GA18-2312)
- "IBM 3161/3163 ASCII Display Station Repair Center Maintenance Information" (SY18-2118)
- "How to Use the Additional Read Command Cartridge on IBM 3161/3163" (GA18-2487)
- Keyboard Overlay (GX18-2143)
For others, see "KWIC Index" (G320-1621) or specific system bibliography.
Features -- Specify/Special/Exchange
No Charge Specify Codes
Specify feature codes, when ordered for field installation via MES, are billable to the customer unless ordered with a model change and/or a chargeable feature. (Color and voltage changes are always billable.) If the price is not in the price file, an RPQ should be submitted.
No need to specify the following standard features.
- Power: 120V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 60 Hz (US only) 200-240V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 50/60 Hz (EMEA only) 100-125V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 50/60 Hz; 200-240V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 50/60 Hz (AP, IBM LA, Canada only)
- Power Cord: 2.8m (9 ft) power cord is provided for all models.
Note:If 1.8m (6 ft) power cord is required, order it by P/N 6952298 (#9986).
Special Feature Codes -- Chargeable
Optional Features (see "Emulation Modes in Features" for description):
- Additional Read Command (#8001) (GA218-2487)
- Enhanced Emulation (#8371) (GA18-2595)
- Extended Emilation (#8501) (GA18-2525)
- Five TeleVideo's Emulation (#8901) (GA18-2509)
Feature Exchanges
The following accessories may be ordered:
Description P/N------------------------- -------
25-pin gender change
connector 81X5516
(Except Japan)
Modem Cable - inch screws 6343332
I/O Cable 6343373
Multifunction attachment
cable 8310553
(Japan only)
Modem Cable - metric screws 6343333
I/O Cable 6343373
Multifunction attachment
cable 8310553
For connection to 5841 modem or PTT modem the above modem cable equivalent must be used.
Customer Replacement Parts
The following parts are not covered by the IBM maintenance agreement and must be purchased by the customer when a replacement is needed.
Description P/N
----------------------- -------
Field Packing Material:
Video 6339511
Logic 6165946
Keyboard 7342889
It is recommended that the customer replace a failing element with a spare element and that the customer be advised to purchase sufficient spare 3161 units for such use. The number of spare units is dependent upon the number of 3161 units the customer has installed, the application requirements, physical locations and layout. Determination of the required number of spares is a customer responsibility. However, the minimum number of spare units recommended where one unit consists of a keyboard, a logic, and a video is shown in the following table:
Recommended Minimum Number of Spare 3161s:
Number Recommended Minimum
Installed Spare Machines
---------- -------------------
1 - 50 1
51 - 100 2
101 - 300 3
301 - 500 5
501 - 700 6
701 - 1000 7
The customer should be advised to verify units for correct operation before putting them on the shelf. Spares may be ordered as a complete machine or as an individual workstation element where spare elements do not have VPA discount. See "Accessories" for ordering individual elements.
Customer Problem Analysis and Resolution (CPAR)
Functions have been designed into the 3161 to enhance the availability to the customer. This has been done through the use of Problem Analysis and Solving routines and procedures that are used by the customer.
(Except Japan) Customer Responsibility for Damaged or Altered Elements
Determination by IBM that damage to replaced units is due to causes or conditions not covered under the terms and conditions of the Purchase or Maintenance Agreement and repair of that damage or replacement of missing, altered or non-IBM parts will be charged at IBM's then current hourly service rates and minima. Altered elements will not be eligible for the exchange or replacement services.
Customer Engineer On-Site Assistance
If the customer desires assistance in performing CPAR, the customer calls the Service/Exchange Communication Center (S/ECC). IBM will assist the customer on-site in performing CPAR procedures using the same documentation that is available to the customer. All on-site assistance is available on an hourly service basis at the applicable hourly rates and terms.
Customer-owned spare elements may be installed to replace defective elements by IBM upon customer request. Shipping of defective elements to the Repair Center or Service/Exchange Center is a customer responsibility. On-site assistance is available on an hourly service basis at the applicable hourly rates and terms.
Machine Elements
Elements can be ordered to provide individual elements as needed by the customer for the use of the 3161.
Order Entry
For shipment, specify Machine Element Number (P/N) at the time of order entry.
- Marketing representative should complete AAS Order Guide.
- Account Administrator should order via AAS MSORDER Transaction.
- Distribution Center will ship to Customer.
To Fit MachineModel Element P/N------- -------------------- -------
110 Video (green) 83X7939110 Logic 6113000All Keyboard - English US 1386303All Cartridge - AdditionalRead Command 6456332All Cartridge - ExtendedEmulation 6456350All Cartridge - FiveTeleVideo's Emulation 6113056All Cartridge - Enhanced3708 Attachment 65X3317All Pedestal (tilt/swivel) 6319013All Power Cord 2.8m (9 ft) 6952297All Power Cord 1.8m (6 ft) 6952298All Video Cable
(R), (TM), * Trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or service mark of others.
File Last Updated on 11/06/96