IBM 3476 Terminal

Please note, these terminals are 25+ years old and are usually bad because of failed power supplies. We suggest instead these--> | Click here for alternative 1 |
3476-EAX Twinax Monochrome Terminal With Keyboard Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty 3476-EAX Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives | 3476-EGX Twinax Monochrome Terminal with Keyboard Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty 3476-EGX Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
3476-BGX Twinax Monochrome Terminal With Keyboard Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty 3476-BGX Retired, no longer available: Contact for alternatives |
09F4215 Y-connector for 3476/3477 terminals (DB15M/Twinax) Fully refurbished with 90-day warranty 09F4215 $24.00 |
The InfoWindow* series 3476 is a 14-inch, flat screen, smudge-resistant, monochrome monitor that attaches to the IBM System/36, IBM System/38 and IBM AS/400 processors. The IBM 3476 14-inch monitor has an actual viewable screen size of 11.4 inches when measured diagonally. The IBM 3476 attaches remotely to these processors via the appropriate IBM 5294 or 5394 Remote Control Unit.
Model Abstract 3476-A10
The InfoWindow* 3476 Model A10 offers an Amber-Gold monitor with a 122-key keyboard.
- Ergonomic features:
- 21 percent larger screen, 13 percent larger characters
- Amber-gold or green screen
- Compact aesthetic two element design.
- Improved Ease of Use functions - Menu Setup, Record/Play/Pause
- Improved front-of-screen with Dot Width Adjustment
User Productivity:
The IBM InfoWindow 3476 is a new generation of display stations that can be used with the System/36, System/38, and AS/400 processors for entering, editing and displaying alphanumeric data.
The InfoWindow 3476 is a high-quality, 14-inch amber-gold or green monochrome display station with improved ergonomics and function. The IBM 3476 14-inch monitor has an actual viewable screen size of 11.4 inches when measured diagonally. The user has the option of the standard front-of-screen character brightness, or the choice between two dot widths (horizontal dimensions) for brighter characters, made possible with the Dot Width Adjustment function.
Investment Protection:
The InfoWindow 3476 Model B is compatible with the IBM 5291 or 3196. Application programs written for the these products operate on the InfoWindow 3476 display, which displays up to 1,920 characters (24 lines of 80 characters each) and an operator information area.
The InfoWindow 3476 may be attached locally to the System/36, System/38 or AS/400, or remotely through the IBM 5294 or IBM 5394 Remote Controller.
The IBM 3476 has an etched screen that minimizes glare and is resistant to fingerprints. The low-profile typewriter-style keyboards, with adjustable slope and 24 application-assigned Command functions, provide input and control flexibility. A keylock is standard with a total of 100 possible key combinations. Record/Play/Pause allows the operator to store up to 1,500 keystrokes for later playback.
General Product Description:
- Setup function allows the operator to control alarm and clicker volume, modify cursor, turn Auto-Dim on/off, and others.
- Record/Play/Pause function allows the operator to store up to 1,500 keystrokes for later playback.
- Audible Alarm, Auto-Dim and Security Keylock are standard. Security key is removable in both LOCK and UNLOCK positions.
- Low-profile keyboards provide 2 angles of inclination (6 or 12 degrees) are equipped with coiled cable.
- Screen Characteristics:
- 14-inch monochrome (Amber-Gold or Green) display provides a bright, steady presentation of viewable area and picture elements. The IBM 3476 14-inch monitor has an actual viewable screen size of 11.4 inches when measured diagonally.
- 24 Lines of 80 characters
- Viewable area is 235 x 170 mm
- 720 x 402 Picture Elements
- Character Box 9 x 16
- Character Matrix 7 x 11
- Character Height 3.39 mm
- Character Width 1.96 mm
- Etched, enhanced contrast CRT screen designed to reduce light reflections and fingerprint smudges to produce high-quality, high-resolution output.
- Video tilt/swivel stand, which is standard, enables the display to be individually positioned. The stand provides 19.4 degrees of tilt (plus 15 degrees to minus 4.4 degrees) and 180 degrees of swivel (plus or minus 90 degrees from the center position).
- Through the use of error indicators, off-line tests and the "IBM InfoWindow 3476 User's Guide", the customer may isolate a failing element for repair or replacement.
Model Description 3476-A10
The 3476 model A10 has a EMF, ESF and Conductive Space Bar and provides all the capabilities of the IBM InfoWindow* 3476 Model A1, A2, B1 and B2.Model
Model Summary Matrix
Number of Monitor Screen Displayed Models Color Keyboard Size Characters ------ ---------- -------- ------ ---------- A10 Green 122-key 14" 1920 B10 Amber-Gold 122-key 14" 1920 The IBM 3476 14-inch monitor has an actual viewable screen size of 11.4 inches when measured diagonally.
Customer Setup (CSU)
Machine and specify features are customer set up. CSU publications will be in English or National Language.
>Devices Supported
Not available.
Model Conversions
National Language Support
The IBM 3476 supports U.S. English and the National Languages for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Swiss French, Swiss German, U.K. English, Arabic, Hebrew, Icelandic, Greek, Turkish, Yugoslav, Latin 2/ROECE, Cyrillic, Canadian French, Japanese Katakana, Portuguese, and Latin American Spanish.
Power ratings and line cord:
Power - 40 watts, 100-250V AC, 1-phase, 3-wire, 50Hz/60Hz
100-250V 50/60 Hz, (100-127 50/60 Hz for Saudi Arabia)
2.8 Meter (9.0 foot) line cord with non-locking is available as standard.
Technical Description
Physical Specifications
- Monitor
- Width: 333mm (13.1 inches)
- Depth: 324mm (12.8 inches)
- Height: 360mm (14.2 inches)
- Weight: 9.5kg (20.9 lbs)
- 122-Key Typewriter Keyboard
- Width: 533mm (20.9 inches)
- Depth: 215mm (8.5 inches)
- Height: 64mm (2.5 inches) (Home Row: 30mm)
- Weight: 2.5kg (5.5 lbs)
- IBM Enhanced Keyboard
- Width: 488mm (19.2 inches)
- Depth: 210mm (8.3 inches)
- Height: 40mm (1.6 inches) (Home Row: 30mm)
- Weight: 2.3kg (5.0 lbs)
Operating Environment
- Temperature: 10 to 40.6C (50 to 105F)
- Relative Humidity: 8 to 80 (percent)
- Wet Bulb: 26.7C (80F)
The following are not available:
- RPQs
- Video output
- A printer port
- Bar Code Slot Reader
- Reverse Image Key
Also see "Prerequisites" under "Machine Requirements."
Hardware Requirements
It also attaches remotely to these systems via an IBM 5294 or 5394. Attachment is by the same type of cable as is used to attach an IBM 3196, 3179-2, 3180-2, 3197, and other IBM 5250 Information Display System devices.
The IBM 3476 attaches to the IBM S/36, S/38, AS/400 or remotely to the IBM 5294 or 5394 Remote Control Unit via IBM Cabling System, twinaxial cable, IBM shielded Twisted Pair or equivalent. To attach the IBM 3476 to the IBM S/38, the WSCE (Workstation Controller Extended) is required. To attach the 3476 to the IBM AS/400, a twinaxial WSCC (Workstation Controller Card) is required for local attachment.
The AS/400 has integrated language support and does not require RPQs.
Some languages require System or Remote Control Unit RPQs when attaching to the S/36 or S/38. For release level and further system information, refer to the following RPQs:
LANGUAGE 5360 5362 5364 5381/82 5294 Greek 8D0084 8D0249 8D0261 8D0133 Turkish 8D0085 8D0215 8D0268 8D0134 Icelandic 8D0083 8D0209 8D0267 8D0132 Icelandic Multi-Nat 8D0083 8D0209 8D0267 8D0132 Hebrew 8D0091 8D0206 P84118 8D0148 8D0129 Arabic X/Basic 8D0190 8D0208 P84121 8D0191 8D0131 Yugoslav 8D0087 8D0210 8D0269 8D0136 Yugoslav Multi-Nat 8D0087 8D0210 8D0287 8D0136 Cyrillic -- 8D0233 -- ------ Latin 2/ROECE 8D0061 8D0212 -- ----- LANGUAGE 5363 Greek P84147 Icelandic P84148 Icelandic Multi-Nat P84148 Hebrew P84149 Arabic X/Basic P84150 Cyrillic P84148 Latin 2/ROECE P84148
Software Requirements
The IBM 3476 is supported, like the IBM 3196, by the current S/36 Release 5, S/38 Release 8 and AS/400 Release 1.0 It is also supported by IBM application programs such as MAPICS, DMAS, CMAS, Query/36, DisplayWrite/36, and AS/400 Word Processing and Data Processing applications.
Programming support or feature prerequisites are:
- S/36: Release 5.0 or higher
- S/38: Release 8.0 or higher
- AS/400: Release 1.0 or higher
- 5294: and appropriate above release.
- 5394: Release 1.0
See "Limitations".
Electronic Customer Support
The following publications are shipped with the product. Additional copies are available. The "IBM 3476 User's Guide" includes the Setup Instructions and Problem Solving Guide.
- IBM 3476 Display Station User's Guide:
- GB11-7798 Belgian Dutch
- GB11-6598 Belgian French
- G511-2195 Danish
- GA14-5716 Dutch
- GB11-7389 Finnish
- GA11-0876 French
- GA12-3070 German
- GA13-1519 Italian
- GA15-4116 Norwegian
- GA14-2792 Swedish
- GU21-8043 UK English
- GA18-2954 US English (EMEA)
- Connecting the IBM 3476 Display Station to the System/36,
System/38, and AS/400
- GB11-7799 Belgian Dutch
- GB11-6599 Belgian French
- GA14-5717 Dutch
- GA11-0877 French
- GA12-3071 German
- GA13-1520 Italian
- GU21-8044 UK English
- GA18-2957 US English
The publications are available from Europe Publications Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.
For a current list of publications, refer to the appropriate publications option on your respective HONE system, or contact your IBM representative.
Features -- Special/Specify/Exchange
Special Feature Codes -- Chargeable
No Charge Specify Codes
No specify code is required to order the default option.
Feature Exchanges
Clear Lens Keycaps (60) Paper Insert (60/60) & Tool (1A/G) 6341707 Paper Inserts (150/150) (1A/G) 6341704 Spare Key Blanks (10) (8xx) 81X5968 Blank Sticky Labels 23F1809 Blank Keycaps (Light) and Removal Tool (1A/G) 1351710 Blank Keycaps (Dark) and Removal Tool (1A/G) 1351728 Keycap Removal Tools (6) 1351717 Overlays Blank (10) 6341703 Overlays Blank (10) 6238058 Note (1A)-122 Typewriter Keyboard (G) -IBM Enhanced Keyboard
Customer Replacement Parts
Machine Elements
Description P/N Ref. ------------- -------- Auto Termination Unit 23F3794 Tilt/Swivel Stand 81X4450
(R), (TM), * Trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
** Company, product, or service name may be a trademark or service mark of others.
File Last Updated on 11/06/96