Infoprint 5000 (5101-AS3, -AD3, -AD4) Color

InfoPrint 5000-AS3, AD3, and AD4
At a glance |
The InfoPrint 5000 color printing system offers:
- Full-color continuous forms, high-volume printer with Advanced Function Printing (AFP)
- A powerful AFP controller
- AFP benefits that include ease-of-use, data integrity, auditability, and page-level error recovery
- Support for both pigment and dye inks
- Industry-standard AFP Color Management Object ContentArchitecture (CMOCA)
- AFP support with InfoPrint ProcessDirector, PSF 4.2.0 for Z/OS, and InfoPrint Manager support
- Support for all color image formats that are supported on the InfoPrint 4100 with the color emulation feature: TIFF, GIF, JPEG/JFIF, IOCA (FS11 and FS45)
- Native PDF level 1.7 and PostScript Level 3 support
- Support for PDF level 1.7 and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) objects in AFP/IPDS data streams
- Leading edge ink jet piezo-electric, drop-on-demand technology
- Touch screen operator interface
- Simplex, dual simplex, and tandem duplex configurations
Overview |
InfoPrint Solutions Company, a Ricoh -IBM joint venture, continues to lead the digital printing industry with the InfoPrint 5000 full-color continuous web printing system featuring Advanced Function Printing (AFP) support.
New models of the InfoPrint 5000, the AS3, AD3, and AD4, offer twice the speed of the present models for printing at 360 dots per inch (dpi) x 360 dpi . Like the previous models, resolutions of 720 dpi x 360 dpi, and 720 dpi x 720 dpi are also available at slower speeds.
These models incorporate the Advanced Function Printing (AFP) benefits of page-level error recovery and data integrity critical for variable data printing. These new models also offer native support for applications that utilize PostScript and PDF data streams and Encapsulated PostScript and PDF objects embedded in AFP/IPDS data streams.
Similar to previous InfoPrint 5000 models, new models of InfoPrint 5000 are available in simplex, tandem duplex, or dual simplex configurations. The system can print at speeds up to 419.8 feet per minute (128 meters per minute) or 1,832 full-color, two-up duplex letter-size ipm (1,724 full-color two-up duplex A4-size ipm)1.
The new models have a 20.4-inch web with up to a 19.96-inch print width, the same as existing models.
1 Exact speed varies depending on document complexity, system configuration, software application, driver, and printer state.
Description |
Print speed and resolutions
InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 can print at either 64 meters per minute, or 128 meters per minute. The available print resolutions are different for different print speeds. The fastest speed, 128 meters per minute, supports 360 dpi x 360 dpi resolution.
The following table shows the maximum print speed (in impressions per minute) and the associated resolution of the InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4.
8.5 x A4
11 inch 2-up
2-up (side-by-
(side-by side)
Print side) ipm4
Model Mode Speed2 ipm4 Resolution3
AS3 Simplex 128 916 862 360 x 360
AD3/4 Duplex 128 1,832 1,724 360 x 360
AS3 Simplex 64 458 431 720 x 360
AD3/4 Duplex 64 916 862 720 x 360
2 Print speed is in meters per minute
3 Print resolution is in dots per inch (dpi)
4 Impressions per minute
Actual throughput speed may vary depending on application design connectivity, communication line bandwidth, and other variables.
Full-color, continuous web printing system with AFP support
The new InfoPrint 5000 models support the open, industry-standard AFP?Color Management Object Content Architecture (CMOCA) published by the AFP Consortium to provide accurate, consistent, and device-independent color rendering. More information on CMOCA can be found at
AFP Color Management is also supported by the InfoPrint 4100, enabling customers to develop a single color application and workflow that can be printed in color on the InfoPrint 5000 or in high-quality grayscale on the InfoPrint 4100.
The InfoPrint AFP Resource Installer allows color management resources and color images to be installed in resource libraries that PSF 4.2.0 for Z/OS, InfoPrint ProcessDirector (IPPD), and InfoPrint Manager (IPM) can use to send color-managed AFP data to the InfoPrint 5000 and InfoPrint 4100.
InfoPrint ProcessDirector for high-speed production print environments can provide the InfoPrint 5000 with a customizable process management system, automating many tasks that have previously been handled manually. In addition to InfoPrint ProcessDirector, the InfoPrint 5000 can also be driven using InfoPrint Manager, as well as PSF 4.2.0 for z/OS. These programs are designed to improve the management of output environments, which can help clients reduce costs, improve quality, and seamlessly respond to changes in their processes.
The AFP controller utilizes the InfoPrint Solutions Company POWER5 technology and IBM BladeCenter technology in a high-performance page-parallel rip architecture. The controller exploits Linux and dynamically allocates blade resources to efficiently process pages and AFP objects for print. This scalable, cluster-based printer controller can accept AFP, PostScript, and PDF data streams, delivering high-speed printing to expedite job completion and enable consolidation of footprints.
InfoPrint 5000 utilizes innovative piezo-electric, drop-on-demand inkjet technology with dye and water-based pigment ink that are resistant to fading and smearing, even on commonly used digital papers. A tight paper web also contributes to the excellent ink jet print quality. The InfoPrint 5000 can run applications with exceptional print quality on paper typically used in monochrome electrophotographic printers, unlike other inkjet systems that typically require inkjet-treated paper to produce good-looking output.
New models of InfoPrint 5000 are available in simplex, dual simplex, or tandem duplex configurations. The innovative technology in the InfoPrint 5000 family is designed to deliver variable data, full-color output at a speed, quality, and price point that is unique in the industry. By leveraging the variable data color capabilities of the InfoPrint 5000, customers can provide their clients with output that can help to significantly increase response rates. The InfoPrint 5000 capabilities are designed to enable businesses to produce statements that incorporate customized marketing and promotional information. Additionally, the speed and quality of the InfoPrint 5000 may enable the migration of many offset applications to customized short-run digital output, improving turnaround times and reducing costs.
The InfoPrint 5000 printers are designed for very high throughput color production printing environments.
AFP color printing on the InfoPrint 5000
Advanced Function Printing (AFP) of InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 supports the following:
- Full-color text (PTOCA)
- Full-color business graphics (GOCA)
- Single-color backgrounds for AFP objects
- Single-color AFP images (IOCA FS10 and IM image)
- Encapsulated PostScript and single-page PDF objects embedded in AFP/IPDS data streams
AFP Color Management Architecture
AFP Color Management Architecture on InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 and the InfoPrint 4100 (with the color emulation feature) provides the following customer benefits:
- Ability to render colors accurately based on industry-standard ICC profiles
- Ability to render colors consistently across printers with this architecture
- Ability to create device-independent colorized AFP workflows that can be targeted to an InfoPrint 5000 color printer or to an InfoPrint 4100 printer without application-level changes
- Customer-tunable colors enabling end users to tune the output colors with host-based system-level resources (for example, saturate output colors with a tone transfer curve)
Support for AFP Color Management Architecture is standard on all InfoPrint 5000 printer Models AS3, AD3, and AD4, and on all InfoPrint 4100 printers with the InfoPrint POWER controller and microcode release 15.4, and above.
Color Management Resources
Color Management Resources (CMRs), which are part of the open, industry-stand AFP architecture called Color Management Object Content Architecture (CMOCA), are used to carry this color management information.
CMRs carry all of the color management information needed to render a print file with color data consistently and accurately on both color and monochrome printers. Furthermore, CMRs provide the end user with system-level controls to fine-tune the output to meet their specific needs. This allows end users to get accurate and consistent colors on color printers, and accurate and consistent grayscales on 4100 printers. Furthermore, such device-independent print files can be archived with the assurance that the colors will be printed accurately on different color or monochrome printers in the future.
CMR support on the InfoPrint 5000 printers includes support for the following CMR types:
- Color Conversions (CC CMRs): These CMRs contain standard ICC profiles to define the colors in the print data and to support accurate color rendering and accurate conversions of the color data to grayscale data.
- Tone Transfer Curves (TTC CMRs): These CMRs can be generated and specified by the end user to modify the colors or grayscales that are rendered by the printer after the color-to-CMYK conversion or color-to-grayscale conversion. For example, they can be used to saturate a specific color in an image.
Print width
The maximum print width of the InfoPrint 5000 family is 19.96 in (507 mm).
Tractorless (pinless) paper drive
The InfoPrint 5000 uses an integrated tractorless paper drive.
The tractorless paper drive allows either pinless or pinned paper to be used. Note that some pre- and post-processing devices require the use of pinned paper.
Pre- and post-processing devices
Since these models can print twice as fast as the previous models, new or upgraded pre- and post-processing equipment may be required.
Pre- and post-processing equipment that support a tight web is required for the InfoPrint 5000.
A type 1 interface, modified for the InfoPrint 5000, is used to attach pre- and post-processing devices.
Consult the pre- and post-processing device vendor for information concerning specific devices.
Duplex printing
The InfoPrint 5000 tandem duplex system consists of two printers (the AD3 with the AD4) that work together to print on both sides of the media.
Duplex printing is achieved by arranging the two printers in series, separated by the "I" or "L" turnbar so that the continuous forms exiting from the first printer go through a turnbar that turns the forms over (inverts them) before entering the second printer. The first printer in the paper path prints one side of a form; the second printer in the paper path prints the other side of the form.
The following table summarizes the turnbars required for the InfoPrint 5000 Models AD3 and AD4 duplex configurations. One turnbar is included as a no-charge feature, and the correct turnbar must be specified when a model is ordered.
Configuration Turnbar
"I" (In-Line) Turnbar "I" (#9410, 4410)
"L" (Left-Angle) Turnbar "L" (#9420, 4420)
Web cleaner (#9460, 9461, or 9462)
A web cleaner is included with the InfoPrint 5000. The purpose of this unit is to neutralize static and to clean paper dust and paper chads from the continuous form media prior to the media entering the printer.
The web cleaner with the correct voltage must be specified when the printer is ordered. The web cleaner contains a universal attachment kit to allow its attachment to an unwinder; it is powered separately from the printer.
Dual simplex mode
Dual simplex mode allows the customer to use both printers separately in simplex mode; each printer is independent of the other and can print different jobs at the same time. The control unit controls both printer engines.
Dual simplex mode requires the installation of a second web cleaner (feature number 4472, 4473, or 4474) so that each simplex printer has its own web cleaner.
Pre- and post-processing equipment from Hunkeler and Lasermax Roll Systems has been run successfully in dual simplex mode.
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade (#4700)
A faster internal data transfer method is now available as an optional feature on the Models AS1, AD1, and AD2. The feature may improve the print speed of complex jobs.
The improved data transfer is between the control unit and the print engine and is included on the Models AS3, AD3, and AD4.
Font download
The InfoPrint 5000 printer controller provides the ability to download PostScript fonts.
Two methods to download PostScript fonts are provided with this feature.
- Font download using bidirectional communication with the PostScript interpreter through the AppleTalk protocol.
- Unidirectional transfer to the PostScript interpreter through other protocols.
The bidirectional font download function in the printer supports the Macintosh system running Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X for font job submission. Font download applications supported are:
- Morisawa
Two versions of the Morisawa font download package are supported:
- The Morisawa NewCID, version J1-4.0.6, for Mac OS 9.
- Morisawa Passport, version 1.0, that runs on OS 9 or OS X.
- Fontworks
The Fontworks CID font download program (Classic, Family package 6, v5.1A) runs on Mac OS 9 with a floppy disk drive.
The unidirectional font download function in the printer is supported for jobs submitted through the following protocols:
- Hot Folders, LPR, FTP, Internal Print (USB and CD)
No printed output is created for font jobs (either unidirectional or bidirectional).
Operator selectable ink density
This standard feature provides the operator with the capability to control the ink density (the quantity of ink used) at print speeds of 64 meters/minute or slower. Three density settings are available. The settings are good, better, and premium. The premium setting is normally the highest print quality. In general, increasing the quantity of ink improves the perceived print quality.
At 128 meters-per-minute, the ink density is fixed and optimized for this print speed.
Visual inspection mode
This feature provides the operator with the capability to slow down the media being printed to 8 meters per minute when printing at 64 meters per minute, or to 16 meters per minute when printing at 128 meters per minute. This allows a visual inspection of the printed output that is not possible at the normal print speeds.
Enhanced cutsheet emulation
When two pages are printed side-by-side, this enhancement provides the ability to improve the ability to cut between the pages by:
- Moving both pages to increase the distance between pages. The right-hand page is moved to the right, and the left-hand page to the left.
- Moving the right-hand page to the right while not moving the left-hand page.
Ordering information
The InfoPrint 5000 features for Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 are summarized in the following table:
Description Machine Model
InfoPrint 5000 AS3 Simplex 5101 AS3
InfoPrint 5000 AD3 Duplex 5101 AD3
InfoPrint 5000 AD4 Duplex 5101 AD4
Description Machine Model Feature
Dye Ink 5101 All 9210
Pigment Ink 5101 All 9220
Attention Light - Initial 5101 All 9470
Attention Light - MES 5101 All 4470
Productivity Tracker 5101 AS3, AD4 5565
Morisawa Fonts 5101 AS3,AD4 4622
Web Cleaner - 100 Volt, Japanese 50/60Hz 5101 AS3, AD3 9460
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, 50/60 Hz 5101 AS3, AD3 9461
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, 50/60 Hz 5101 AS3, AD3 9462
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, add'l 5101 AD3, AD4 4472
Web Cleaner - Japanese, add'l 5101 AD3, AD4 4473
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, add'l 5101 AD3, AD4 4474
Turnbar "I" - Initial 5101 AD3 9410
Turnbar "L" - Initial 5101 AD3 9420
Turnbar "I" - MES 5101 AD3 4410
Turnbar "L" - MES 5101 AD3 4420
English Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2924
French Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2928
German Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2929
Japanese Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2930
Spanish Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2931
Italian Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2932
Brazilian-Portuguese Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2938
Korean Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2948
Russian Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2961
Trad Chinese 5101 AS3, AD4 2995
Simplified Chinese 5101 AS3, AD4 2996
Power 208/220/230/240 Volt 60 Hz 5101 All 9923
Power 380/400/415 Volt 50 Hz 5101 All 9924
CU Power Cord US (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9800
CU Power Cord Germany (220V, 10A) 5101 All 9820
CU Power Cord Denmark (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9821
CU Power Cord UK (250V, 13A) 5101 All 9825
CU Power Cord Israel (250V, 6-16A) 5101 All 9827
CU Power Cord Switzerland (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9828
CU Power Cord South Africa (250V, 6-16A) 5101 All 9829
CU Power Cord Italy (250V, 10A and 16A) 5101 All 9830
CU Power Cord Argentina (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9831
CU Power Cord Taiwan 5101 All 9832
CU Power Cord Chicago 5101 All 9886
Printer Power Cord (Chicago) 5101 All 9986
"All" refers to Models AS3, AD3, and AD4. "CU" refers to the Control Unit. "Initial" refers to features for printers shipping from the factory.
The following must be included on all initial orders for a Model AS3:
- One of the following language codes (#2924, 2928, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2932, 2938, 2948, 2961, 2995, or 2996) must be specified.
- Attention light (#9470).
- One of the following feature codes for the web cleaner (#9460, 9461, or 9462) must be specified.
- One of the following printing ink must be specified (#9210 or 9220). In a duplex system, both print engines (the AD3 and AD4) must have the same printing ink (either #9220 or 9210).
- One of the following specify codes for power (#9923 or 9924).
- One of the following control unit power cords specify codes (#9800, 9820, 9821, 9825, 9827, 9828, 9829, 9830, 9831, 9832, or 9986).
- Optionally, the Morisawa Fonts (#4622), and the Productivity Tracker (#5565) may be ordered.
- If applicable, the Chicago Printer 6-foot line cord (#9986) may be ordered.
The following must be included on all initial orders for a Model AD3:
- One of the specify codes for the appropriate turnbar (#9410 or 9420).
- Attention light (#9470).
- One of the following printing inks must be specified (#9210 or 9220). In a duplex system, both print engines (the AD3 and AD4) must have the same printing ink (either #9220 or 9210).
- One of the specify codes for the web cleaner (#9460, 9461, or 9462).
- One of the specify codes for power (#9923 or 9924).
- One of the following control unit power cords specify codes (#9800, 9820, 9821, 9825, 9827, 9828, 9829, 9830, 9831, 9832, or 9986).
- If applicable, the 6-foot Chicago Printer line cord (#9986) may be ordered.
The following must be included on all initial orders for a Model AD4:
- One of the following language codes (#2924, 2928, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2932, 2938, 2948, 2961, 2995, or 2996) must be specified.
- Attention light (#9470).
- One of the following printing ink must be specified (#9210 or 9220). In a duplex system, both print engines (the AD3 and AD4) must have the same printing ink (either #9220 or 9210).
- One of the specify codes for power (#9923 or 9924).
- One of the following control unit power cords specify codes (#9800, 9820, 9821, 9825, 9827, 9828, 9829, 9830, 9831, 9832, or 9986).
- Optionally, the Morisawa fonts (#4622), an additional Web Cleaner (#4472, 4473, or 4474) for dual simplex, and the Productivity Tracker (#5565) may be ordered.
- If applicable, the Chicago Printer 6-foot line cord (#9986) may be ordered.
Model conversion ordering information
- Model conversion from AS1 to AS3
- Prerequisites for the Model AS1 when upgrading an AS1
to an AS3 are:
- The Model AS1 must have seven blade processors (a quantity of two of feature number 4620) prior to the upgrade. The standard number of blade processors for a Model AS1 is five.
- The Internal Data Transfer Upgrade (feature number 4700)
- Prerequisites for the Model AS1 when upgrading an AS1
to an AS3 are:
- Model conversion from AD2 to AD4
- Prerequisites for the Model AD2 when upgrading an AD2
to an AD4 are:
- The Model AD2 must have 14 blade processors (a quantity of four of feature number 4620) prior to the upgrade. The standard number of blade processors for a Model AD2 is 10.
- The Internal Data Transfer Upgrade (#4700)
- Prerequisites for the Model AD2 when upgrading an AD2
to an AD4 are:
- Model conversion from AD1 to AD3
- A prerequisite for this upgrade is that the Model AD1 must have the Internal data transfer upgrade (#4700)
Specify one of the following control unit power cords for each Model AS3, AD3, or AD4.
Countries to which each control unit power cord is applicable are listed under each feature number.
Control unit power cord Feature number
CU Power Cord (Chicago) - 6 foot 9886
CU Power Cord US (250V/10A) 9800
Bermuda, Brazil, Canada,
Japan, South Korea, Mexico,
Taiwan, USA, Venezuela
CU Power Cord Germany (250V, 16A) 9820
Austria, Belgium,
Finland, France,
Germany, Greece,
Korea (South),
Netherlands, Norway,
Spain, Sweden,
CU Power Cord Denmark (250V, 10A) 9821
CU Power Cord United Kingdom (250V, 13A) 9825
China, Hong Kong,
India, Malaysia,
Republic of China, Singapore,
United Kingdom,
CU Power Cord Israel (250V, 6-16A) 9827
CU Power Cord Switzerland (250V, 10A) 9828
CU Power Cord South Africa (250V, 16A) 9829
CU Power Cord Italy (250V, 10A and 16A) 9830
Chile, Italy
Argentina, Australia, Colombia,
CU Power Cord Argentina 9831
CU Power Cord Taiwan (250V, 10A) 9832
Turnbar "I" (#9410 - Initial; #4410 - MES)
This feature provides a turnbar for a duplex configuration in the In-line ("I"] configuration.
- Minimum number of features: Zero
- Maximum number of features: One of feature number 9410 and 9420 on an initial order
- Prerequisites: InfoPrint 5000 Model AD1 or AD3
- Corequisites: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Customer setup: Yes
- Limitations: None
- Plant installation: 9410
- Field installation: 4410
- Cable order: None
Turnbar "L" (#9420 - Initial; #4420 - MES)
This feature provides a turnbar for a duplex configuration in the "L" configuration.
- Minimum number of features: Zero
- Maximum number of features: One
- Maximum number of features: One of feature number 9410 and 9420 on an initial order
- Prerequisites: InfoPrint 5000 Model AD1 or AD3
- Corequisites: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Customer setup: Yes
- Limitations: None
- Plant installation: 9420
- Field installation: 4420
- Cable order: None
Morisawa fonts (#4622)
This feature provides two Morisawa fonts. These are Gothic Medium BBB and Ryumin Light KL .
These fonts are for use with PostScript and PDF fonts. They can also be used by PostScript and PDF objects that are embedded in IPDS data streams, but they cannot be used in IPDS except for the case of embedded PostScript and PDF objects.
- Minimum number of features: Zero
- Maximum number of features: One
- Prerequisites: InfoPrint 5000 Model AS3 or AD4
- Corequisites: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Customer setup: No
- Limitations: None
- Plant installation: 4621
- Field installation: 4621
- Cable order: None
Web Cleaner - Additional (#4472, 4473, 4474)
This feature is required for a customer to run in dual simplex mode and provides an additional web cleaner for a duplex system so that when dual simplex mode is used, each printer will have its own web cleaner.
In duplex mode, only one web cleaner is required (and is shipped standard with each duplex system) because there is only one paper path. The web cleaner is provided as a no-charge feature on Model AD1 or AD3.
Since dual simplex mode involves two paper paths, two web cleaners are required to run dual simplex. This feature provides the second web cleaner.
The purpose of this unit is to neutralize static and to clean paper dust and paper chads from the continuous form media prior to the media entering the printer.
The web cleaner with the correct voltage must be specified. The web cleaner contains a universal attachment kit for attachment to an unwinder; it is powered separately from the printer.
Description Number
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, add'l 4472
Web Cleaner - Japanese, add'l 4473
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, add'l 4474
Productivity Tracking feature (#5565)
This feature provides the necessary microcode to allow the InfoPrint 5000 printer Models AS3 and AD4 with the AFP Controller to send production data to a Windows Server attached via an Ethernet LAN to the printer control unit.
New InfoPrint 5000 printers are shipped with this feature enabled for a six month trial period. Unless this feature is ordered (feature number 5565), it will only be operational for the six months.
The LAN attached server must have the InfoPrint Productivity Suite Program Product (5639-AA9) with the Productivity Tracking feature installed.
The production data includes such things as foot count of pages printed, ink changes, error frequency, and estimated foot count per job.
The Productivity Tracker feature must be ordered for each printer that will be connected through to a Windows Server. Each Windows Server can be connected to multiple printers.
This feature is not supported by PSF/VM or PSF/VSE and cannot be used with these host systems.
Refer to the InfoPrint Productivity Suite Program Product (5639-AA9) for more details.
This feature requires that a Windows Server running the InfoPrint Productivity Suite Program be attached to the Ethernet adapter.
- Minimum number of features: 0
- Maximum number of features: 1
- Prerequisites:
- InfoPrint 5000 Model AS3, or AD4
- An Ethernet LAN attached Windows Server with the InfoPrint Productivity Suite Program Product installed
- Corequisites: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Customer setup: No
- Limitations: Cannot be used with PSF/VM or PSF/VSE Host Systems
- Initial Order: Yes, feature number 5565
- Field installation (MES): Yes, feature number 5565
- Cable order: None
Attention light - (#9470 - Initial; #4470 - MES)
The attention light is a standard (no-charge feature number 9470) on all new InfoPrint 5000 shipments.
This attention light is on Models AS3, AD3, and AD4. In a duplex system, each print engine has its own light.
This attention light has green, yellow, and amber (orange) lights.
The yellow light indicates that operator action is required soon (such as the paper supply is low) and the amber (orange) light indicates that operator action is needed immediately (such as out of paper).
The green light indicates that the printer is functioning normally and no operator action is needed.
This feature must be specified on all initial orders for Models AD3 and AD4.
- Feature number 9470: Factory
- Feature number 4470: Field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Prerequisites: An InfoPrint 5000 Model AS3, AD3, and AD4
- Field installable: Yes, feature number 4470
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade (#4700)
The upgrade improves the data transfer speed between the control unit and the print engine.
On Models AS1, AD1, and AD2, this interface is available as an optional feature. The faster data transfer may improve the print speed of some complex jobs.
This feature must be installed on both print engines in a duplex system. It cannot be installed on only one engine. If present. the feature must be installed on both the AD1 and AD2.
This feature must be added to a Model AS1, AD2, or AD4 prior to model upgrades. This feature must be installed on an AS1, AD1, or AD2 prior to the following model upgrades:
- Model AS1 to AS3
- Model AD1 to AD3
- Model AD2 to AD4
- Feature number 4700: Factory
- Feature number 4700: Field
- Minimum required: 0
- Maximum allowed: 1 per AS1, AD1, AD3
- Prerequisite: Model AS1, AD1, or AD2
- Corequisite: None
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Customer setup: No
- Field installable: Yes
Ink tray RPQs
The following RPQs provide an additional ink tray to allow the operator to preload the additional trays with a new ink cartridge, so that ink can be reloaded faster.
- Ink Tray - Black (8B5066)
- Ink Tray - Yellow (8B5065)
- Ink Tray - Magenta (8B5064)
- Ink Tray - Cyan (8B5063)
Compute performance upgrade (#4620)
- Summary: This feature provides an additional blade
processor to improve controller performance.
If this feature is being ordered to obtain increased performance, it is recommended that performance testing be performed if possible prior to ordering this feature.
This feature is required on model conversions. Refer to the model conversion ordering information for the Model AS3, AD3, and AD4.
- Minimum number of features: Zero
- Maximum number of features: Four for Model AD2, three for Model AS1
- Prerequisites: InfoPrint 5000 Model AS1 or AD2
- Corequisites: None.
- Compatibility conflicts: None
- Customer setup: No
- Limitations: None
- Plant installation: 4620
- Field installation: 4620
- Cable order: None.
Accessibility by people with disabilities
A U.S. Section 508 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) containing details on the product accessibility compliance can be requested via the Web site at
Production printers are, by their nature, complex machines that typically require specialized, trained operators. For this reason, there are tasks that cannot feasibly be redesigned to be accessible to everyone.
Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act
The following features support use by people with disabilities:
- A standard keyboard provides keys that are tactilely discernible without activating them.
- Color is used as an enhancement for conveying information, and as an additional method of distinguishing between buttons, controls, and latches.
Product positioning |
The new InfoPrint 5000 color printing system is designed for a variety of color printing environments including:
- High-volume printing with variable data
- Short-run color jobs with small volume
Reference information |
For more information, refer to
- Software Announcement 207-299, dated November 13, 2007, InfoPrint Manager supports trans-promotional communications through Advanced Function Presentation color management architecture
- Software Announcement 207-202, dated September 11, 2007, InfoPrint Advanced Function Presentation Resource Installer provides the essential toolset for enabling high-speed color applications
- Software Announcement 208-037, dated February 19, 2008, Print Services Facility for z/OS supports trans-promotional communications through Advanced Function Presentation color management architecture
Product number |
Description Machine Model
InfoPrint 5000 AS3 Simplex 5101 AS3
InfoPrint 5000 AD3 Duplex 5101 AD3
InfoPrint 5000 AD4 Duplex 5101 AD4
Description Machine Model Feature
Dye Ink 5101 All 9210
Pigment Ink 5101 All 9220
Attention Light - Initial 5101 All 9470
Attention Light - MES 5101 All 4470
Productivity Tracker 5101 AS3, AD4 5565
Morisawa Fonts 5101 AS3,AD4 4622
Web Cleaner - 100 Volt, Japanese 50/60Hz 5101 AS3, AD3 9460
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, 50/60 Hz 5101 AS3, AD3 9461
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, 50/60 Hz 5101 AS3, AD3 9462
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, add'l 5101 AD3, AD4 4472
Web Cleaner - Japanese, add'l 5101 AD3, AD4 4473
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, add'l 5101 AD3, AD4 4474
Turnbar "I" - Initial 5101 AD3 9410
Turnbar "L" - Initial 5101 AD3 9420
Turnbar "I" - MES 5101 AD3 4410
Turnbar "L" - MES 5101 AD3 4420
English Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2924
French Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2928
German Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2929
Japanese Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2930
Spanish Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2931
Italian Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2932
Brazilian-Portuguese Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2938
Korean Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2948
Russian Language 5101 AS3, AD4 2961
Trad Chinese 5101 AS3, AD4 2995
Simplified Chinese 5101 AS3, AD4 2996
Power 208/220/230/240 Volt 60 Hz 5101 All 9923
Power 380/400/415 Volt 50 Hz 5101 All 9924
CU Power Cord US (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9800
CU Power Cord Germany (220V, 10A) 5101 All 9820
CU Power Cord Denmark (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9821
CU Power Cord UK (250V, 13A) 5101 All 9825
CU Power Cord Israel (250V, 6-16A) 5101 All 9827
CU Power Cord Switzerland (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9828
CU Power Cord South Africa (250V, 6-16A) 5101 All 9829
CU Power Cord Italy (250V, 10A and 16A) 5101 All 9830
CU Power Cord Argentina (250V, 10A) 5101 All 9831
CU Power Cord Taiwan 5101 All 9832
CU Power Cord Chicago 5101 All 9886
Printer Power Cord (Chicago) 5101 All 9986
"All" refers to Models AS3, AD3, and AD4. "CU" refers to the Control Unit. "Initial" refers to features for printers shipping from the factory.
Description Machine Model
InfoPrint 5000 AS1 Simplex 5101 AS1
InfoPrint 5000 AD1 Duplex 5101 AD1
InfoPrint 5000 AD2 Duplex 5101 AD2
Description Machine Model Feature
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade 5101 AS1, AD1 4700
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade 5101 AD2 4700
Model conversions
From To
Model Model
Publications |
The publications listed below are shipped with each Model AS3, AD3, and AD4 printer. If available, these publications are shipped in the appropriate language.
Operating the InfoPrint 5000
Arabic SB20-2260-03
Braz-Port S517-9198-03
English S550-1074-00
French SF11-1034-03
German SA12-5169-03
Italian SA13-2222-03
Japanese SA88-4122-03
Korean SA30-3655-03
Russian S571-0194-03
Simp Chin S151-0925-00
Spanish S510-3188-00
Chinese S550-0328-03
InfoPrint 5000 Quick Reference Card
English S550-1076-03
French SF11-1035-03
Japanese SA88-4123-03
The following publications are available and are meant to be used prior to the printer installation.
Planning for the InfoPrint 5000
English G550-1075-03
French GF11-1036-03
German GA12-5172-03
Italian GA13-2226-03
Japanese GA88-4124-03
Russian GC89-1119-03
Turkish G316-0013-03
Selecting Forms for the InfoPrint 5000
English S550-1077-02
French SF11-1037-02
Japanese GA88-4131-02
Chinese S550-0330-02
PDF, PostScript, and Color Solutions for the InfoPrint 5000
English Z550-1154-02
Environmental Considerations for Your Printer
English G550-0991-02
InfoPrint 5000 Operator Training DVD-ROM
English ZK4T-4042-02
In addition, a User Information CD is shipped that includes all translated versions of the following publications:
- Printer User's Guide
- Selecting Forms Guide
- PSD, PostScript and Color Solutions Guide
- Controller User's Guide
- Quick Reference Guide
- Planning for the InfoPrint 5000
- InfoPrint Solutions Company Safety Information Manual
- Environmental Considerations for Your Printer
- Third Party software license information
Technical information |
Specified operating environment
Physical specifications
Paper width
6.5 - 20.4 in (165 - 520 mm) tractorless
Print width
The InfoPrint 5000 has a print width of 6.0 - 19.96 in (150 - 507 mm).
Paper weights
Paper weights between 64 and 157 gsm (17 to 42 lb Bond) are supported.
Recommended paper is 90 gsm, or 24 lb.
Paper should be tested with the targeted applications before production quantities are ordered.
Paper types
The InfoPrint 5000 printing system is designed to print on roll-feed paper.
Certain applications may cause excessive wear or premature failure of some components of the InfoPrint 5000. In these situations, a customer with maintenance provided under the InfoPrint Solutions Company Customer Agreement of InfoPrint Solutions Company Machines may be responsible for additional maintenance charges.
Barcodes should be tested on the target paper with the target application prior to implementation.
Turnbar "I" (#9410 - Initial; #4410 - MES)
The "I" Turnbar is available as a specify feature on an initial order, or as an MES feature.
The "I" Turnbar is required for an in-line configuration.
Turnbar "L"(#9420 - Initial; #4420 - MES)
The "L" Turnbar is available as a specify feature on an initial order or as an MES feature.
The "L" turnbar is required for a left-angle configuration.
Font capability
The InfoPrint 5000 fonts are listed in the Planning and Configuration Guide.
Human factors
The InfoPrint 5000 is designed for efficient ease of operation, service, and installation. Accepted human factors principles have been applied specifically to frequent access areas such as the operator interfaces. The operator flat-panel touch-screen, and associated keyboard and mouse, are provided to facilitate and enhance the human interface with the printing system.
Weight and dimensions
Please refer to the Planning and Configuration Guide for detailed information regarding weight, space, and footprint requirements.
Operating environment
Environmental requirements
To achieve and sustain best machine performance and print quality, Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 must be operated within the following environmental envelope:
Nominal operating range
- Temperature: 18 to 24 C (64 to 75 F)
- Relative humidity: 40% to 60%
Acceptable operating range:
- Temperature: 18 to 28 C (60.8 to 82.4 F)
- Relative humidity: 30% to 80%
For more specific printer environment information, refer to the Planning and Configuration Guide.
Hardware requirements
Attachment features
An integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet Gigabit TCP/IP adapter is included with the InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3 and AD4.
Software requirements
The InfoPrint 5000 Advanced Function Printing (AFP) is supported in the following operating system environments:
- z/OS operating environment
- PSF 4.2.0 for z/OS, and later versions or releases
- AIX?
- InfoPrint Manager for AIX V4.2 with PTF U815456, and later releases.
- InfoPrint ProcessDirector for AIX V1.3 with PTF US00104, and later releases
- Microsoft Windows
- InfoPrint Manager for Windows V2.2 with PTF UO00688, and later releases.
- Linux
- InfoPrint ProcessDirector for Linux V1.3 with PTF U815639, and later releases
The Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) Resource Installer V1.1 provides support in the above environments to manage AFP color management, font, and data objects required for advanced color and monochrome output.
The AFP Resource Installer consists of a consolidated interface for the installation and management of AFP color-management, font, and image object resources.
InfoPrint Manager V4.2 for AIX and InfoPrint Manager V2.2 for Windows provide the print server support for the AFP color management architecture, and support for AFP Color Management Resources. InfoPrint Solutions Company can now provide an end-to-end, managed workflow that makes high-quality color and black-and-white workflows a reality, with consistent results across a variety of devices that support the architecture.
The implementation of architected support for Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) Color Management Resources in InfoPrint Manager provides:
- A strong color management foundation using industry-standard color models, built into the AFP architecture by the multivendor AFP Consortium
- Consistent color output across different devices and data streams
- Flexibility and control of the color workflow to produce output to exact specifications
- High-quality, predictable color output at very high print speeds
- System management of color application objects into libraries that can be accessed quickly and easily by the print server, reducing the amount and duplication of data being sent to the printer
- Industry-leading total cost of printing (TCOP) for color applications
The InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 can print PDF Level 1.7 and PostScript Level 3 print jobs.
Although an InfoPrint Solutions Company print server is not required to print PostScript Level 3 and PDF Level 1.7 jobs on the InfoPrint 5000, it is possible to use this printer with InfoPrint Solutions Company InfoPrint ProcessDirector for AIX, InfoPrint ProcessDirector for Linux, InfoPrint Manager for AIX, or InfoPrint Manager for Windows.
Software limitations
- InfoPrint Solutions Company Print Services Facility for VM, InfoPrint Solutions Company Print Services Facility for VSE, and InfoPrint Solutions Company Print Services Facility for iSeries software platforms do not support the InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4.
Font capability
The InfoPrint 5000 Models AS3, AD3, and AD4 support outline fonts for both double-byte (DBCS) and single-byte (SBCS) character sets. Since outline fonts are scalable and resolution independent, the same fonts can be used for printing at any point size and in any of the four supported print rotations. A wide range of outline font type styles in a variety of language families are also available as resident fonts on the InfoPrint 5000 printer's hard disk. Outline fonts can be downloaded to the printer from host libraries.
Raster pattern fonts at 240 dpi and 300 dpi are supported in SBCS and DBCS formats. However, for the best quality, outline fonts should be used.
Nonresident raster fonts must be downloaded from host libraries in the resolution and size required for printing. Font sizes from 4 to 72 points (approximately one-inch high) are supported. You must verify the legibility of the 4-point font sets in their applications. Only one copy of a font is required for all four font rotations in the printer. The font is oriented for printing at print time. Raster fonts are supported by all host platforms.
Printer-resident and host-downloaded outline fonts are supported by all host platforms relevant to the InfoPrint 5000.
- Interchange resident outline fonts - The outline fonts
listed below
are provided on the hard drive on the InfoPrint POWER Controller.
Courier Roman medium 12 pitch (10 point) is the printer default.
- Latin 1/2/3/4/5 and Vietnamese
- Times New Roman Medium
- Times New Roman Bold
- Times New Roman Italic Medium
- Times New Roman Italic Bold
- Helvetica Roman Medium
- Helvetica Roman Bold
- Helvetica Italic Medium
- Helvetica Italic Bold
- Courier Roman Medium
- Courier Roman Bold
- Courier Italic Medium
- Courier Italic Bold
- Symbols
- Times New Roman Medium
- Times New Roman Bold
- Helvetica Roman Medium
- Helvetica Roman Bold
- Courier Roman Medium
- Courier Roman Bold
- Arabic
- ITC Boutros Setting Roman Medium
- ITC Boutros Setting Roman Bold
- ITC Boutros Setting Italic Medium
- ITC Boutros Setting Italic Bold
- ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Roman Medium
- ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Roman Bold
- ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Italic Medium
- ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Italic Bold
- Boutros Typing Roman Medium
- Boutros Typing Roman Bold
- Boutros Typing Italic Medium
- Boutros Typing Italic Bold
- Cyrillic/Greek
- Times New Roman Medium
- Times New Roman Bold
- Times New Roman Italic Medium
- Times New Roman Italic Bold
- Helvetica Roman Medium
- Helvetica Roman Bold
- Helvetica Italic Medium
- Helvetica Italic Bold
- Courier Roman Medium
- Courier Roman Bold
- Courier Italic Medium
- Courier Italic Bold
- Hebrew
- Narkissim Roman Medium
- Narkissim Roman Bold
- Narkissim Italic Medium
- Narkissim Italic Bold
- Narkiss Tam Roman Medium
- Narkiss Tam Roman Bold
- Narkiss Tam Italic Medium
- Narkiss Tam Italic Bold
- Shalom Roman Medium
- Shalom Roman Bold
- Shalom Italic Medium
- Shalom Italic Bold
- APL2
- APL2
- APL2 Bold
- Thai
- Burirum Medium
- Burirum Bold
- Burirum Italic Medium
- Burirum Italic Bold
- Thonburi Medium
- Thonburi Bold
- Thonburi Italic Medium
- Thonburi Italic Bold
- Courier Thai Medium
- Courier Thai Bold
- Courier Thai Italic Medium
- Courier Thai Italic Bold
- Lao
- Kaewfah Medium
- Kaewfah Bold
- Kaewfah Italic Medium
- Kaewfah Italic Bold
- Pusuwan Medium
- Pusuwan Bold
- Pusuwan Italic Medium
- Pusuwan Italic Bold
- Courier Lao Medium
- Courier Lao Bold
- Courier Lao Italic Medium
- Courier Lao Italic Bold
- Katakana
- Katakana Gothic
- Latin 1/2/3/4/5 and Vietnamese
- 4028 compatible
- 4028 and Text
The following fonts provide compatibility with the resident raster fonts included in the 4028 Page Printer, as well as the most common typefaces of the InfoPrint Solutions Company compatibility fonts traditionally provided in the AFP Print Services Facility products.
- Boldface
- Gothic Text
- Letter Gothic
- Prestige
- Courier
- Courier.17
- Courier Bold
- Courier Italic
- Prestige Pica
- Prestige Pica Bold
- Prestige Elite Bold
- Prestige Elite Italic
- Prestige PSM Roman Medium
- Prestige PSM Roman Bold
- Times Roman
- Times Roman Bold
- Times Roman Italic
- Times Roman Bold Italic
- 4028 and Text
- Coordinated outline fonts
- APL Bold
- Boldface
- Gothic Text
- Letter Gothic
- Letter Gothic Bold
- Prestige
- Prestige Bold
- Prestige Italic
- DBCS resident outline fonts - Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
double-byte character sets (DBCSs)
- Japanese Heisei Mincho
- Japanese Heisei Kaku Gothic
- Traditional Chinese Sung
- Traditional Chinese Kai
- Simplified Chinese Fang Song
- Simplified Chinese Hei
- Simplified Chinese Kai
- Simplified Chinese Song
- Korean Myengjo
- Korean Gothic
- DBCS resident raster fonts
- Japanese Mincho
- Japanese Gothic
- Japanese R-Gothic
- Korean Mincho
- Korean Gothic
- Traditional Chinese Ming
- Traditional Chinese Gothic
- Simplified Chinese Song
- Simplified Chinese Gothic
- Thai Official
- Thai Italics
Planning information
Customer responsibilities
Installation planning information is contained in the Planning and Configuration Guide.
The appropriate cooling, ventilation, space, and electrical resources to properly accommodate the InfoPrint 5000 printing system must be allocated.
A compressed-air supply must be available for each print engine. Detailed information is available in the Planning and Configuration Guide.
The necessary supply items for operation of the InfoPrint 5000 must be available. This includes replenishing the supplies as needed (refer to the Supplies section).
Cable orders
Refer to cable information in the Hardware requirements section.
InfoPrint Solutions Company supplies are distributed by Priority Fulfillment Services (PFS) and a worldwide network of resellers. End users can contact Priority Fulfillment Services (PFS) at 888-426-7746 for the name of an InfoPrint Solutions Company reseller or dealer in their area where InfoPrint Solutions Company printing supplies can be purchased.
Resellers can mail orders for InfoPrint Solutions Company printing supplies to PFS at the following address:
Priority Fulfillment Services
500 North Central Expressway
Plano, TX 75074
Telephone: 888-InfoPrint Solutions Company-PRINT (888-426-7746)
Fax: 972-881-9201.
Choosing the right supplies is very important. For optimum print quality and reliable performance, the use of InfoPrint Solutions Company supplies is recommended. Supplies are purchase-only items. The customer is responsible for ordering and maintaining an adequate stock of supplies. Many authorized supplies dealers offer supply agreements, which often offer customers price discounts, price protection, established shipping schedules, and reduced administrative expenses.
It is recommended that customers maintain a one- to two-month stock of supplies on hand.
Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS, OSHA Form 20) for the supplies with the InfoPrint Solutions Company logo are available in the U.S. by calling 800-426-4333. You will need to provide the seven-digit part number or the machine type and model number and supply type. Outside the U.S., contact your local supplies dealer.
Pigment ink
All ink colors are keyed so that they are installed in the proper bin in the InfoPrint 5000 printer.
- InfoPrint 5000 cyan ink - pigment (part number 12X1786)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: 2 pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- InfoPrint 5000 magenta ink - pigment (part number 12X2609)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: 2 pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- InfoPrint 5000 yellow ink - pigment (part number 12X1788)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: 2 pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- InfoPrint 5000 black ink - pigment (part number 12X1789)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: 2 pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- Waste ink bottles (part number 12X1666)
- Unit: Part number represents one carton
- Packaging: One bottle per carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- Ink collection pads (part number 12X1675)
- Unit: Part number represents one carton
- Packaging: Four pads per carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
Dye ink packaging
All ink colors are keyed so that they are installed in the proper bin in the InfoPrint 5000 color printer.
- InfoPrint 5000 cyan ink - dye (part number 12X2344)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: Two pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- InfoPrint 5000 magenta ink - dye (part number 12X2346)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: Two pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- InfoPrint 5000 yellow ink - dye (part number 12X2345)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: Two pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
- InfoPrint 5000 black ink - dye (part number 12X2347)
- Unit: 3 liter pouch
- Packaging: Two pouches (6 liters) per carton; part number represents one carton
- Minimum order quantity: One carton
Warranty for all supplies is one year from the date of purchase stated on the purchase receipt. Supply warranties are only for defects in materials and workmanship at the time of shipment and are not for normal wear and tear, nor for any usage minimum. InfoPrint Solutions Company supplies are manufactured to very high quality standards. However, if you believe you are due a warranty return, you should return the supply in its original package or a package from the replacement supply to your point of purchase with an explanation of the problem, a print sample, and the approximate feet run on the supply.
Security, auditability, and control
The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of security features, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systems and communications facilities.
Terms and conditions |
Volume orders: Contact your InfoPrint Solutions Company representative.
InfoPrint Solutions Company Global Financing
Warranty period
Three months
Warranty service
IOR On-site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, same-day response.
Usage plan machine
Average usage plan provisions apply
InfoPrint Solutions Company hourly service rate classification
On-site Repair (IOR), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, same-day response.
When a type of service involves the exchange of a machine part, the replacement may not be new, but will be in good working order.
Field-installable features
Model conversions
Machine installation
Installation is performed by InfoPrint Solutions Company.
Graduated program license charges apply
Educational allowance
A reduced charge is available to qualified education customers. The educational allowance may not be added to any other discount or allowance.
Product charges
Description Type Model
InfoPrint 5000 5101 AS3
InfoPrint 5000 5101 AD3
InfoPrint 5000 5101 AD4
Description Model Feature
"I" Turnbar AD3 9410
"L" Turnbar AD3 9420
"I" Turnbar AD3 4410
"L" Turnbar AD3 4420
Morisawa Fonts AS3, AD4 4622
Web Cleaner - 100 Volt, Japanese AS3, AD3 9460
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, 50/60 Hz AS3, AD3 9461
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, 50/60 Hz AS3, AD3 9462
Dye Ink All 9210
Pigment Ink All 9220
Attention Light - Initial All 9470
Attention Light - MES All 4470
Productivity Tracker AS3, AD4 5565
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, add'l AD3, AD4 4472
Web Cleaner - Japanese, add'l AD3, AD4 4473
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, add'l AD3, AD4 4474
CU Power Cord US (250V, 10A) All 9800
CU Power Cord Germany (220V, 10A) All 9820
CU Power Cord Denmark (250V, 10A) All 9821
CU Power Cord UK (250V, 13A) All 9825
CU Power Cord Israel (250V, 6-16A) All 9827
CU Power Cord Switzerland All 9828
CU Power Cord South Africa (250V) All 9829
CU Power Cord Italy (250V) 5101 All 9830
CU Power Cord Argentina (250V) All 9831
CU Power Cord Taiwan All 9832
CU Power Cord Chicago All 9886
English Language AS3, AD4 2924
Japanese Language AS3, AD4 2930
French Language AS3, AD4 2928
German Language AS3, AD4 2929
Spanish Language AS3, AD4 2931
Italian Language AS3, AD4 2932
Brazilian-Portuguese AS3, AD4 2938
Korean Language AS3, AD4 2948
Russian Language AS3, AD4 2961
Traditional Chinese AS3, AD4 2995
Simplified Chinese AS3, AD4 2996
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade AD1, AD2 4700
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade AS1 4700
Printer Power Cord (Chicago)5101 All 9986
"All" refers to Models AS3, AD3, and AD4. "CU" refers to the Control Unit. "Initial" refers to features for printers shipping from the factory.
Model conversions
From To
Model Model
Parts removed or replaced become the property of InfoPrint Solutions Company and must be returned.
Plant Field
Feature Install Install
Feature Description Number Only Only
English Language 2924 No No
French Language 2928 No No
German Language 2929 No No
Japanese Language 2930 No No
Spanish Language 2931 Mo No
Italian Language 2932 No No
Brazilian-Portuguese 2938 NO No
Korean Language 2948 NO No
Russian Language 2961 NO No
Traditional Chinese 2995 NO No
Simplified Chinese 2996 NO No
Attention Light - Initial 9470 Yes No
Attention Light - MES 4470 No Yes
Productivity Tracker 5565 No No
Web Cleaner - 120 Volt, add'l 4472 NO No
Web Cleaner - Japanese, add'l 4473 No No
Web Cleaner - 240 Volt, add'l 4474 No No
"I" Turnbar - Initial 9410 Yes No
"L" Turnbar - Initial 9420 Yes No
Internal Data Transfer Upgrade 4700 No No
"I" Turnbar - MES 4410 No Yes
"L" Turnbar - MES 4420 No Yes
Pigment Ink 9220 Yes No
Morisawa Fonts 4622 No No
Web Cleaner 9460 Yes No
Web Cleaner 9461 Yes No
Web Cleaner 9462 Yes No
CU Power Cord US (250V, 10A) 9800 Yes No
CU Power Cord Germany (220V, 10A) 9820 Yes No
CU Power Cord Denmark (250V, 10A) 9821 Yes No
CU Power Cord UK (250V, 13A) 9825 Yes No
CU Power Cord Israel (250V, 6-16A) 9827 Yes No
CU Power Cord Switzerland 9828 Yes No
CU Power Cord South Africa 9829 Yes No
CU Power Cord Italy 9830 Yes No
CU Power Cord Argentina 9831 Yes No
CU Power Cord Taiwan 9832 Yes No
CU Power Cord Chicago 9886 Yes No
Power 208/220/230/240 Volt 60 Hz 9923 Yes No
Power 380/400/415 Volt 50 Hz 9924 Yes No
Chicago Power Cord 9986 Yes No
For ServiceElect (ESA) maintenance service charges, contact InfoPrint Solutions Company at 888-426-4343.
Advanced Function Printing, AFP, Color Management Object Content Architecture, CMOCA, IPDS, AFP Color Management Architecture and Advanced Function Presentation are trademarks of Ricoh Co., Ltd. in the United States, other countries, or both.
InfoPrint and Ricoh are registered trademarks of Ricoh Co., Ltd. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Ricoh is a registered trademark of Ricoh Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries.
POWER5, POWER and Print Services Facility are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
z/OS, IBM, BladeCenter, AIX, iSeries and APL2 are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Windows and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Terms of use
InfoPrint Solutions Company LLC ("InfoPrint"] products and services which are announced and available in your country can be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions, and prices in effect at the time. InfoPrint Solutions Company LLC ("InfoPrint"] reserves the right to modify or withdraw this announcement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for your information only.